“I’m sayin’ nothin’, kid.”
“Keep it that way.”
His gruff laughter muffles behind the black snood covering the lower half of his face, but his enjoyment of my distress doesn’t go unnoticed. Arsehole.
“Give ’er time.”
I hate this. I know she’s dealing with Liam’s death her way, but I don’t think shutting me out is the right answer. I get it, though. Looking at someone is hard when they only remind you of what you’ve lost. I just wish she’d stop pulling away and lean on me. She thinks I don’t see the storm raging inside her, but I do. I feel it with every metre of distance she’s putting between us. Right now, she’s lost to the silent sound of sadness, but it won’t take long to submit to the rage brewing beneath her skin. One of these days, she’s going to snap, and unfortunately, she won’t let me close enough to protect her from herself.
If it were up to me, I’d be hightailing it back to the lake to shake some sense into her and beg her to text me fucking back, to let me fucking in, but unfortunately, Lorcan and I have our hands full surveying the King and Devereux estates. So, I keep my anxious arse planted in the front seat of Lorcan’s Mercedes and pray to fuck daddy dearest finally shows his face while trusting Saoirse won’t fall too far into the darkness before I can give her the outlet she needs.
Lost in thought, a few minutes pass before my ringtone blasts through the car, making me barrel from the seat. Snatching my phone from the footwell, I don’t look at the screen before I answer the call. “Mo bhanríon?”
“You’ve called me many names over the years, Rí, and although my queen isn’t the worst one you’ve come up with, the last I checked, there was a swinging appendage between my legs.” Aodhán’s voice cuts through the receiver, dampening my mood further.
Dropping back against the seat, I huff out my reply. “I’m not in the mood for your sarcasm, A. Unless you have something for us, piss off.”
“As luck would have it, Satan’s spawn is on the move.”
I snatch my phone away from my face, then click on the speakerphone as I stiffen my spine. “Where is he heading?”
Lorcan and I share a look, and he starts the engine, ready to follow Aodhán’s direction.
“I’ve been tailing him for about thirty minutes. We’ve just driven past Aviva Stadium, but it looks like he’s heading towards the docks.”
Before I can decipher Aodhán’s words, Lorcan springs into action, hiking his car into gear, and taking off towards the city with a bark. “We’re on our way, pup. Stay on ’im.”
“Whatever happens,” I add. “don’t fuckin’ lose him. It’s time my big brother learns a lesson.”
“Will do. What about Gabriel and Oliver, any sign of them?”
My eyes flick towards the darkened King Manor. “Not a peep. Gabriel’s smart, though. He’ll stay hidden for as long as he can. As for Oliver, he’ll do whatever Gabriel suggests. He knows he’s fucked. Besides,” I continue, “Lorcan accessed the cameras, and they’ll alert us of any movement. So far, there’s been no sign of life inside or on the surrounding grounds. For now, we have a rat to trap, and everyone knows what happens when you catch a rat.”
“Don’t worry, Rí. We’ll have Donnacha squealing before you know it. Once he stops moving, I’ll send you a location pin. Your best bet is to head towards the Quays, and I’ll keep you posted.”
“On our way.”
The phone disconnects, and I crank my neck towards Lorcan. “You reckon he’s heading to the same place Gabriel took me?”
Lorcan clicks his tongue off his teeth. “It’s possible. D’ya ’member where they took yea?”
“Only that it was near the docks. I was out for most of it, but I remember driving to the port before Gabriel stuck a needle in my neck, knocking me out. Next thing I knew, I was in some dark and musty basement chained to the fucking wall.”
That morning still haunts me. How they took me away from Saoirse so easily, leaving her vulnerable. I don’t care that my father beat me fucking senseless, demanding I follow his rules. But every day, I thank God I left that gun with Saoirse because who knows what would have happened had Donnacha succeeded in his pursuit.
Lorcan slips his bottom lip between his teeth, and the frown lines along his forehead deepen, making me wonder what he’s thinking. He hasn’t said much in the last few weeks, focusing only on taking Gabriel down. Like me, he’s hell-bent on finishing this and making everyone involved pay for the choices they’ve made. The reality of what happened struck us all. But if what we think is true, and Saoirse and I were their planned targets, we need to end this war, sooner rather than later. And if anyone on this earth wants to protect Saoirse as much as I do, it’s Lorcan.
I’ve always respected Lorcan and his values, but seeing him go to war for his family makes me admire him more. Nobody will stop him from protecting his girls, just like nobody will stop me from protecting what’s mine.
Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my metal cigarette case and pluck out one of my pre-rolled smokes, needing something to relax me. I rest the skin against my lips and then light up. With a heavy inhale, I fill my lungs before releasing a cloud of smoke into the cab. “Guess there’s only one way to find out.”
* * *
After following the pin Aodhán sent us, it’s not long before we drive through the shipping yards along Dublin’s docklands before pulling up along the roadside of the old Pigeon House Hotel and Generating Station. Palisade fencing surrounds the perimeter, but once upon a time, this old derelict building powered most of Ireland.
The night casts an eerie shadow on the desolate landscape around us as magpies, kestrels, sorrows, and pigeons swoop from the roof of the ruined hotel and through the grimy, windowless power station. Honestly, it’s not shocking that Gabriel and Donnacha use this location for their dirty dealings. It screams dodgy as fuck, and anyone in their right mind would steer clear of the place. The only problem is that the new power plant is on the land right next to the older site, which means security is at the main gate.
To be safe, Lorcan parks a few hundred metres away, staying clear of the security booth. “There has to be another way in.”