“He is a man. A good man. A smart man. A kind man.”
“Yep. All of those. But he’s still a guy.” Luna rolled her eyes. “I grew up with him. I oughta know.”
“By the way, who were you talking to before I came in?”
“Huh?” Luna seemed confused. “You mean Wylie?”
“No. Before. You asked, ‘What is it?’ Your voice was more demanding than usual.” Chi-Chi winked at her.
“Oh, nothing.” Luna sighed.
“My dear friend. You cannot pretend there is nothing bothering you. I do not mean to pry, but you do not seem to be yourself today.”
“That’s just it. I have this weird feeling, and I cannot figure it out.”
“Weird in what way?” Chi-Chi pulled out a chair. “Please sit with me.”
“Have you ever had the sense that something is gnawing at your subconscious, but you can’t bring it into focus?” Luna asked.
“Not very often. But when I do feel that way, I go deep into my work. It brings me into a different state of consciousness. That is when many answers come to me.” She patted Luna’s hand. “But I am not telling you something you do not already know.”
“You’re right about that alpha and theta state. I just can’t seem to get there today. It’s as if my mind has drawn a blank. I feel edgy. Unsettled.” “Do you think it
Chi-Chi eyed her friend curiously. “Do you think it could be that you are uneasy because of your relationship with the marshal?”
“No. Our relationship is solid. We’re good,” Luna insisted.
“But is it as good as you want it to be?” Chi-Chi pushed.
“What do you mean?” Luna peered at her friend over her coffee cup.
“You and Chris have been seeing each other for almost three years, am I right?”
“Well, we really can’t count the first year.” Luna stared back at her.
“Let me ask you: Do you want more?” Chi-Chi pried.
“More what?” Luna asked casually.
“Please, Luna. I am not a fool. Are you satisfied with the limited time you have together?”
“Okay, so he lives two hours away. We manage.” She took another sip of her coffee.
“Is managing what you want?”
“I don’t know.” Luna sighed yet again. “We’re very happy when we are together.”
“Ah. That is my point: when you are together. How happy are you when you are not?”
“I’m busy.” Luna swept her arm, indicating the café and her easel.
Chi-Chi smiled. “I can tell you are not going to discuss this with me.”
“There is nothing to discuss.” Luna shook her head for emphasis.
“If you say so.” Chi-Chi got up. “I am going to say good morning to Cullen. Meanwhile, I suggest you continue your conversation with your sketch pad.” She smiled and turned toward the door that connected the café with Cullen’s showroom.
Luna remained in her seat, staring into space.