The West Hills Cemetery is just as I remembered it. Long stretches of grass covered in headstones and flowers in different stages of decay. A sprinkle of trees and wildlife methodically taken care of in certain areas, so as to not interrupt the parade of resting places and the pathways for mourning loved ones when they come to visit. We walk to the spot I remember standing in when I sensed the strange powerful energy. Miniscule traces of the graffiti that once stained the headstone are still visible within each letter of the person’s name, even though a cleaning attempt had been made. The carvings decorated with hues of red and blue paint a stark contrast from the rest of its black granite surface.

My eyes linger on it for a second longer before combing through the grass and neighboring tombs for a sign of anything occurring here. There was nothing, no blood, no dagger, no damage to the tombs or headstones, the grass didn't even have any clumps missing. It was as it should be, all except me. I came to this place as an heir, powerful pure blood flowing through my veins, and left as a pathetic mortal. All that raw power washed away like the paint, only leaving traces of it in my memory. I ask Alistair if he senses anything and sigh at his negative response. We are wasting our time here.

Just as I was about to tell Alistair we’re leaving, I felt an arm come from behind me, grab my waist, pull me down and a weight fall on top of me. Air leaving rushes out of me as I hit the ground with a startled grunt. Tensing I look over my shoulder to see Alistair, upper body basically on me, with both arms on my sides. He was caging me in his arms, I could feel his chest on my back. The realization was startling but I quickly recover from the shock of being tackled to the floor. Irritation take its place.

“What the…” He shushes me.

“Sorry, My Lady but I felt something just now. Some energy coming from the Colambrium,” he whispers into my ear sending goosebumps through me instantly.

I scan the little gray building he mentions, focusing on the entrance for movement but not seeing anything. When I try to get up Alistair wraps an arm around my waist again, insisting that I stay down. I relent while he hovers protectively over me. Turning to look at him again over my left shoulder, I catch a glimpse of Alistair’s neck tattoos slowly appearing on his skin. It was as if someone was dropping ink on his skin from above and it drips into his neck, and little by little shapes his family’s crest. Just by seeing that I knew he was using his powers now and therefore shedding his mortal appearance, swapping it for some of his demonic features. Suddenly he is standing and looking around cautiously over me. “Stay down, My Lady. I will go see who it was that came through,” he states sternly before wandering off to search the unknown source of energy.

I wasn’t going to sit helplessly and do nothing like a coward. So, the second the order registers I get to my feet and brush off the loose grass blades that cling to my jeans. I normally give the orders which makes it hard for me to take any into consideration before doing things.

I raise my gaze towards the direction Alistair went and freeze at the sight I’m greeted with. A burning orange and pink light cascaded over the cemetery. Showers of light bloom across the sky going from the brightest of pinks to the lightest of blues. Colors glimmering across the entire horizon, vivid and contrasting sharply against the silhouettes of buildings in the distance. It was a sunset, I had never seen a sunset before. I knew humans had this phenomenon in their realm daily but we don’t have a sun, moon or even a sky. It's absolutely breathtaking. I didn’t know this world could be as beautiful as a Soul Crystal.

I hear someone running towards me, it’s probably Alistair, I turn towards them out of instinct. It is not Alistair.

I dodge the figure’s tackle by rolling on the grass to my right, landing feet first and standing quickly. What stands before me is a Hellhound but at the same time it looks off. I didn’t have time to find out why because the creature bares its black oozing teeth at me with a snarl before lunging. I raise my hand intending to use my telekinesis to stop its advancement, only remembering I don't have them anymore when they don’t work. Cursing every angel in existence as I bend down, pick up a stone and throw it at the Hellhounds head. It collides but makes no difference as the creature keeps barreling through. I dodge it once more and take off at a sprint towards a nearby tree.

Running in a straight line towards it and changing my direction at the last possible second, barely avoiding it, making the creature slam into the base of the tree instead.

“Alistair!” I scream at the top of my lungs when I see the Hellhound stand up again and look at me with murderous intentions. Ears back, teeth barred and body tensed as it walks to me slowly about to pounce. I retreat slowly, never taking my eyes off it, my hand stretches out and looks for something to cling onto. I didn't even notice I had my hand on the trunk of the tree until my foot gets caught on one of its roots and I fall backwards on my ass. I reflectively embed my nails on the bark trying to catch myself on anything but I can't. This was it’, I think as I flinch and close my eyes. Covering my face as the Hellhound lunges at me violently growling.

There was a slashing sound, like metal cutting through air before hitting something followed by a prominent thud. I lower my hands and look down at my feet. The Hellhound was dead on the floor a good five feet from me, its head had been severed. Ink black blood dripping from where its head should be, staining the grass making it look as dark as the night. I raise my gaze slowly and behind the hound stood Alistair.

A black and gold scythe glowing with demonic chaos in his hands is dripping with the same black inky blood. Looking up, our eyes meet and I stop breathing for the second time today. Alistair had returned to his true form, tattoos, piercings, and all. But his eyes were absolutely vibrant with chaos like never before and his horns are twice his regular size. Standing backlit with a deep scowl, enraged look in his ruby eyes, backlit by the setting sun. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my life.

“Are you alright, My Lady?” His voice brings me back from my stunned daze, bringing back with it my ability to breathe. The demonic scythe disappears along with his demonic features. He was back to his human form and walks over to me. Offering me a hand to stand, I take it and he pulls me easily to my feet. When he looks at me in worry and asks once more if I was okay I realize I didn't answer the first time since I was too blown away by his sheer beauty. I nod, lost for words.

The only coherent thought in my mind being…that I really want to see Alistair in his demonic enraged form again.




After the hellhound's body is disposed of by my demonic flames, I lead my lady Morgana behind a nearby pawn shop and straight to the closest portal to Hell. Raising a hand, I summon the portal with the appropriate enchantment, and as if the back wall of the shop is alive, it starts swirling. The bricks become a blur of blue and gray light until they form a vortex of dancing light, finally solidifying into the blue color of the Soul Crystals. We walk through the portal and emerge on the other side by the royal family’s castle. I hold my head up high as we stroll through the gates and past the king’s guards, all of whom bow to my lady.

Escorting her all the way to her room, I am filled with concern for Morgana; she is never this quiet. “My lady, are you sure you are alright?” I ask once more, worried she is injured and not willing to admit it due to pride. She sighs in front of me as we stop at the doorway to her room.

“How many times do I have to tell you, pet? I’m fine. Stop worrying,” she says, sounding tired and exasperated.

I can't help worrying; she isn’t acting like her usual strong and willful self. Most of the time, she would be talking non-stop, even if all I did was hum in agreement. Now, she quietly goes into her room and falls backwards on her bed.

Staring blankly at the ceiling I can see the pondering expression on her face. I really want to ask what she is thinking or if she truly is okay but my lady hates having to repeat herself, and I already exasperated her today. Deciding it was better to remain silent for the moment, I lean against the doorframe in case I am needed.

“It was strange,” Morgana comments after some time passes.

“What was strange, my lady?” I ask, confused as to what she is referring to.

“The hellhound, it had something different than other hellhounds. I don't really know how to explain it, something was off about that one compared to the ones I had growing up.” She remarks, still staring at her ceiling before closing her eyes. "I'm tired, and annoyed. I'll kill the owner of that hellhound if I find them."

“I can go investigate how the hellhound got out if you would like my lady.” I offer but I get no response. I stand up straight and walk into the room. “My lady?” I call, only now noticing the steady slow rate of her breathing and how calm her heartbeat is. She fell asleep on top of the covers almost immediately. I suppose she is still getting used to her new human form and that takes a lot out of her.

Raising a hand the cover turned into black smoke and dissolved from under her, only to reappear on her a second later. I close the distance and pull the sheets over her, adjusting it to make sure she is covered completely to her shoulders. Morgana may be my master, she may be the future queen, but she's not deserving of what is happening to her. Despite appearances, she's the kindest Angel I've met. Certain she won't be cold now, I turn and leave the room, making sure to gently close the double doors behind me, and lock them.

I knew she was safe in the palace, the most heavily guarded place in all of Hell but I still wanted to remain by her side regardless of knowing that fact. Even though I fiercely wish to stay on guard by her door, I force myself to walk away towards the throne room a few hallways down to seek court with the king. I need to get to the bottom of this hellhound incident and I also need to get a human appropriate meal for my lady since she can no longer sustain herself on blood, or soul energy. The staff that prepare the highest grade of blood for the royal family can’t find out about Morgana’s transformation that led her to become a full-fledged human. No one can, only the king, my lady and I know all the details. And therefore I’ve been tasked with discreetly providing her all the necessary food she will need in her new form. We don’t know if this is truly irreversible at the moment, it’s only speculation, and furthermore we don't know how the rest of this realm will react if they find out Hell's only heir is no longer immortal. So, we must be cautious and keep the facts close to our chests if we want to keep Morgana safe.