“So, you’ll follow my commands regardless?”

“Of course, My Lady.”

“Kiss me.”


A New Master


Istep back for a moment, not sure if I was hearing things or if she really just asked me to-

“Did you hear me?” She confirms,

“I think so, I’m just a little stunned by the request…and confused.”

Morgana shrugs her shoulders, looking a little embarrassed. “I heard some people commenting at lunch time that they believed my story simply because I appear reserved, inexperienced, dumb to the intimacy…it went on. Made me realise I really don’t know what it feels like. Not even a kiss. And you did just swear to follow my commands regardless.” I didn’t know a demonic heart could pound so rapidly, but I hope its not so strong as to rip its way out of my own chest.

“You’re right. Apologies, again. What kind of kiss, My Lady?” I attempt to keep my hands still, but I know they want to shake in nervousness.

“Just a simple one is fine.” I step forward, and keep my lips barely parted, I touch her warm lips. The sensation sends a shiver down my spine, but I don’t let it last more than a second before pulling back again. The last thing I need is for her to think I’ve overstepped. “Again, longer.” I have no experience in this. c But I shouldn’t. As I lean back again, I see her eyes open up, and the sparkle, not to mention the dilated pupils in her eyes drives me forward. My lips return to their place on her lips, but I can’t resist. I need to taste her. Using my tongue to permit my entry into her mouth, I grab the back of her neck and head with both hands, and hers fly up to hold my arms as I explore her mouth. My eyes shoot open and I pull back, stepping a pace away and dropping my head.

“My Lady—I’m so sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking, I’m sorry for overstepping-” Without a chance to complete my apology, arms wrap around my neck and pull me back down, till lips touch once again. This time our tongues battle for dominance over the other. Wrapping my arms around the back of her waist, I feel her hands in my hair, daring to pull me in closer. This shouldn’t be happening. Demons can’t be with humans, it’s too risky. Even if she wasn’t human now, she was my Master mere weeks ago, the Princess of Darkness and here I was taking advantage of an odd situation. When her lips move she slightly nips at the bottom of my lip and that ignites a dangerous spark in me. Feeling my fangs start to protrude a little, I pull away from her mouth and bend a little to grip the back of her thighs and pull her up around me, sitting—slamming her down on a nearby table I kiss up and down her neck. For the first time ever I hear a sound that brings me pleasure, her moan. I feel my length of my claws coming back and I pull back off her neck, standing in front of her with her thighs wrapped around my hips and the pressure in my pants pressed dangerously close to her center.

“What’s wrong? Why’d you stop?”

“I don’t want to take advantage of the situation.” That was a lie, I absolutely wanted her, sprawled out, wet…

“Were you just playing along because I commanded you?” The thought alone cuts deep, so I step back. I shouldn’t be touching her when I say this.

“No, My Lady.” I say, preparing myself. “I’ve loved you from the moment I saw you. We were fourteen when we met, and I knew then and there that there was no one else I’ve rather serve for eternity.” Morgana just blinks at me, her mouth somewhat agape and the faint tinted lipstick no longer kept within her lines.

“I want to ask you to do something. This isn’t a command, but a favour.”

“Anything for you.” I iterate.

“For the next fifteen minutes, I don’t want you to behave like I’m your master, or that I ever was. For the next fifteen minutes I want you to do whatever you want.”

“Can I have thirty?” I smirk, not meaning to joke but she smiles in response. “But, why?”

Her eyes run over me, up and down, “I’m just curious what you would choose to do with thirty minutes if I don’t say no.” She leans toward me as she speaks, taking off the black cardigan and red scarf she was wearing, kicking off her short boots and not breaking a moment of eye contact with me.

“Are you serious?” I question, feeling the scent of her arousal in the air, potent with no one else around.

“Yes, Alistair. Thirty minutes of complete freedom. So do it.”

“I can’t, Morgana.”

“Why not?”

“You’re human now, to let me take you how I want, how I need…I could kill you.”

“So, what, you don’t like to play rough?” She is definitely the Devil’s daughter, the evil seductress behind those eyes gleaming even without her abilities.

“My Lady, I like to play dirty.” I rush to her, as if she were an antidote to a poison seeping through my veins. Our lips crash as her hands swing around me, pulling me in closer. “Shit, I wish I knew sooner.” I whisper against the nape of her neck.

“Knew what?” Her breaths allow her to ask,