“I would have assumed you would have given him a bit of a bereave as well, especially with what he’s chosen to do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Did he not tell you?”
“Tell me what?” I yell, just getting annoyed by the obvious secret.
“Morgana, you don’t hold any command over him anymore. He begged to go to the surface with you, to protect you and be there for you. Since the morning of the loss of your powers he’s been able to resist every command of yours. If he still follows your command, it’s his own choice to do so.”
Strange Requests
The cafeteria is buzzing after the past weekend’s Halloween event. Even though Halloween has passed, many of the mortals are still talking about it and attending more events next weekend as not everyone has a chance to host. The concept of humans celebrating something they don’t understand confuses me. But I’m more confused by the frequency My Lady keeps staring at me. When I catch her, she looks away, and continues what she is doing, but this Monday morning so far, she doesn’t look away instantly. She doesn’t seem displeased with me, but I don’t know what it is making her act like this either. Sierra continues to discuss something about a television show she wants to show Morgana, and how it relates to the theme of the birthday she wants to host for her. Although I’ve been to the surface a lot, television was not something I ever got into. As Morgana moves to grab food off my tray, she knows I won’t eat, she bumps my arm and drops the bread roll, knocking over the bottle of water. Blushing furiously, she picks everything back up and mumbles an apology, but the moment is interrupted by a slam of a palm on the table, initiated by Annabelle.
“I hope you’re happy!” She viciously spits, loud enough to catch the main attention of everyone in the room.
“Generally, yes. Thank you for your good wishes.” Morgana rebuts, simply taking a sip from the bottle in front of her. Displeased, Annabelle slaps the bottle from Morgana’s hand, and it flies into the walkway of the cafeteria, spilling all over the floor.
“Because of your beating of Darren on the weekend, he’s been hospitalized and can’t play in the away game – the biggest event of the year and he’s losing his scholarship!” Morgana continues to look straight ahead, a look I’ve seen before, usually right before she gets violent and beats the crap out of whatever demon pissed her off. I have to prepare to stop her this time. Maybe when she had her powers she had a good chance of killing me if I got in her way, but as a human it would be an easy feat – not that I want to. Sighing heavily, Morgana stands up and brings herself to the side where she faces Annabelle straight on.
“Regardless of the rumour he has decided to share, I will enlighten you with the truth. After attempting to have his way with me forcefully, Alistair and Sierra had to come to my rescue, resulting in whatever injury you are referring to. If you have any questions, I request you contact me outside of schooling hours.”
Annabelle just scoffs, “Why should we believe you? It’s obvious you’re just here because you were kicked out of your last school.” Morgana raises her hands but slowly, pulling on the red scarf she decided would be best to use to hide the marks from the Grim over the weekend, and takes it away for everyone to see.
“Because not only do I have witnesses, but he was not the only one injured.”
“Yeah,” Sierra interjects, “, you’re lucky we didn’t call the authorities on your precious Darren. Morgana should have.” I can hear the whispers of those around us. Commenting on Darren’s lude behaviour at the party before Morgana showed up, the fact that his girlfriend’s change frequently, and no one is ever willing to comment on the reason for the breakup. Some even comment that Morgana seems too reserved to be the type. It’s clear that Morgana has the favour of the student body, which is a relief. Annabelle stands there staring at Morgana’s neck and can’t bring herself to say anything. Hanging her head, she turns and backs off. The weight of the exchange hangs heavy, and I’m really impressed that Morgana didn’t hit anyone. “Hey everyone!” Sierra’s voice breaks the silence as she stands on her chair. “This weekend we’re hosting a party for Morgana’s birthday at the old asylum, everyone’s invited! Saturday at seven!” That got the whole cafeteria chatting again.
Morgana hasn’t spoken all afternoon. She just seems occupied with her own thoughts. No one has approached her about the incident at lunch, which is great. It’s the last class of the day, chemistry, which is in one of the classrooms in another building at the far end of the school. As the teacher dismisses everyone, she remains seated as the students and the teacher even turn to leave.
“My Lady?” I try to check on her, but she shakes her head. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah. Maybe I’m just getting a headache. Mortals get those.” Of course, being a mortal means she would succumb to those pains. Looking around I go to the windows and turn the blinds upward. Continuing to the front door of the classroom I switch off the lights and shut the door, locking it. A quick enchantment on the door would prevent anyone from seeing inside or wanting to come in.
“That should help, I think. Feel free to rest, My Lady. I will wait for you.” She stands up from the seat and steps towards me, looking up at me with concern.
“Alistair, I have to ask you something.”
She clears her throat before asking, “Can you resist my commands?” I knew it, I slipped too many times and she noticed. “Alistair?”
“Yes, my lady.”
“Since when?”
“Since the incident at the cemetery. I have no compulsion to do as you command. But I swear to you, I’ll do as you ask. I apologize for disregarding some of your commands lately.”
“Why?” I blink a few times trying to comprehend her question.
“I’m sorry?”
“Why do you follow my command when you don’t have to? Why are you here when you can be anywhere else?”
“Because that’s what I want to do.”