“My lady?” His brow furrows – I’m a little annoyed that with every passing day he seems to be able to resist direct commands but perhaps I’m just not being stern enough.

“Yes, I mean to bring her here. There’s a lot she needs to understand.”

“With demons trying to attack you, I’m not so sure it’s a good idea for me to leave-”

“I’ll stay with father till you return. Happy? Go.” He doesn’t hesitate a moment after that and disappears through my doors. I need some time on my own right now.

As I walk up to my father’s throne room door, I knock twice, and it opens slowly.

“Morgana!” My father bellows, his grin nearly reaching his ears. I walk up to him and sit on the arm of his chair. “I’m very happy to see that you’re doing well. And I hope Junior is taking care of you as well.”

“Yes father, he’s doing well. But-”

“You have no idea how proud I am that you have taken this head on. You truly are amazing, Morgana.” I wanted to tell him that it’s too dangerous. I wanted to say that demons are trying to kill me. I wanted to beg to stay here but his face, beaming with joy was the one thing my heart couldn’t crush.

“Thank you. I’m happy that you think so, father.”

“You seemed like you wanted to tell me something.”

“Oh. Um, yes. Alistair and I were a bit careless and a friend that I made happened to discover our secret. But aside from us, she’s a loner. I trust that it is something she will keep to herself.”

“You’ve made a friend? Tell me about her!” What in the Devil? As if on cue I overhear the squealing voice of a girl who clearly didn’t belong here.

“Oh my god, this is awesome!” Sierra states coming into the throne room with enthusiasm, Alistair right on her tail with no hope of stopping her. Upon entering he stops pursuing Sierra and kneels.

“Apologies, Sir.” He says,

“Nonsense, look at this bright one.” He smiles, standing up to greet Sierra by shaking her hand. “I am Lucifer, Morgana’s father. It’s a pleasure to meet you young one, although I do prefer my father’s name go unmentioned below the surface.”

“Oh shoot!” Sierra claps her mouth hard, “I didn’t even think about it like that.” But my father just laughs, completely amused by the antics.

“Alistair, stand up boy, no need for that from you when no one is around.” My jaw would hit the ground if it could. I’ve never in my life seen my father give permission to anyone but Alastar not to bow in his presence. What happened to change that? “Sierra, is it?” Father confirms, taking her toward the throne, he has a knack for knowing peoples names without being told. “I hope my girl isn’t roughing you up too much.”

“Not at all, she’s awesome! Although bummer about the situation.”

“Yes, I know, and right before her birthday too.”

“What? Your birthday is coming up? When?” Her excitement is directed towards me, but I don’t respond.

“Indeed,” My father answers her, “, only a couple of weeks away actually. Is there anything you’d like for your birthday, Morgui?” Glaring at the nickname I sigh and answer with the one thing I want.

“My powers back.”

“Sierra, perhaps you would be so kind to organise an event for her eighteenth. Alistair will make sure you’re well-funded in the matter but make it a good one.”

Sierra’s face lights up like a meteor across the sky. “Holy shit, I’m throwing you a party!” I could die.

As my father and Sierra continue their conversation, I turn toward Alistair who looks a little too guilty for my liking. Approaching him I stare up at him, demanding his eye contact and he obliges. “Is something wrong, My Lady?” He checks.

“Yes, why would my father exonerate a sworn duty like that? What did you do to deserve it?” He tries to look away, but he turns back, knowing that some years ago the last time he looked away and disregarded his status, he was beaten for it. “Answer me honestly.”

“I think it’s because I am with you on the surface. But I don’t really know for sure.” I’m not fully satisfied with that answer, but the only one who would know for sure is my father.

“Sierra.” I interrupt her and my father’s cheerful conversations. “Alistair will show you around and take you to my room. I need to speak with Dad for a moment.” They bid each other a farewell you would expect from old friends, and Alistair does as expected, directing Sierra through the door and away from us.

“What is it, dear?” Father queries.

“Why did you give Alistair a pass like that?” He blinks a few times and gives me a confused look.