There is something nice about closing your eyes and letting the world operate around you. Alistair’s low voice makes the walls of my room echo with a blissful sound. He talks an awful lot more when I have him read to me. Perhaps I could make it a daily ritual. Although I find the material of Jonathan Nasaw’s When She Was Bad to be a thrilling read, Alistair’s voice is soothing to a degree that makes me feel tired, even if I have just awoken. With the party coming along this afternoon, I insisted on staying in Hell for the time being until it was required of us to go above. My pet doesn’t seem to think it’s such a good idea being powerless and surrounded by demons – especially since someone let loose a hellhound. But without demanding it, I wasn’t able to convince him that it could have been an accident.
As a half born angel, my blood drips of both human and the Devil himself, which makes my soul tainted and the true reason that hellhound went after me – nothing more than that.
My peace is disturbed with the odd sound of bells.
“What’s that?” I question aloud.
“It’s the phone I got you, my lady. Someone has sent you a message.” Alistair informs me, picking himself up off the floor at the end of my bed and picking up the phone from my leather jacket pocket that I had flug over a chair in the corner of the room. He brings it over to me and I open it as he instructed me previously.
“It’s a message from Sierra.” My eyebrow raises, looking up at him and smirking, “Amazing the reception down here.”
“Hell is for the mortal souls to suffer, not for us to be without wifi.” He smiles. It’s charming the way he does that sometimes, but even so in his demonic form now his horns don’t appear as big or long as they had the other evening when he was protecting me. What triggered that? Was it just my imagination? His red eyes look at me patiently, what was he waiting for? “Is Sierra alright?” He queries. Oh, right. Looking down I read out the message I had received.
“She says that she has something important to share with us and begs us not to attend the party before she has a chance to tell us in person.” I then look up and grin widely, “She’s wondering if she can come over to my place.” Knowingly, I look around amused and Alistair sighs, but maintains his smile. “Let’s meet her at the library, it’s still open on Saturday’s, right?”
“Yes, my lady.” I text her the response that Alistair and I were already walking to the library and therefore would gladly meet her there. I can only assume this urgent matter is something to do with the party or she wouldn’t have mentioned it. The last thing I felt like doing today was going up again.
Sierra is jittery, to say the least. Now, she’s dragging me through the library trying to find a quiet spot despite the amount of people visiting on the day of Halloween. Who knew a place where you go to educate yourself would be so popular to those who didn’t attend school? As we find ourselves in an area of the library dedicated to CD’s which are rarely used now according to Alistair, she takes a breath and readies herself to tell us something.
“Okay, so, don’t freak out, but you really shouldn’t go to the party tonight.” I blink a few times waiting for her to continue but she doesn’t.
“Why?” I query, impatient.
“So, I overheard from someone in my English class who sits behind Annabelle in Health Ed that they have some crazy plan to try and scare you to death. Apparently, they want to drag you through the abandoned asylum dressed as demons and hope to chase you out a window or something. It’s seriously messed up the things they were saying.” I want to laugh, truly, because to this day I’ve not seen a human dress as foul as a Skull Crawler. Those are the only demons that send shivers down my spine – a human dressed up as one would never frighten me.
“I think I’ll be fine.”
“No, really, I’m worried they are going to try and hurt you.”
I go to interject once more but Alistair steps in instead, “Sierra, under no circumstances would I ever allow Morgana to be hurt, especially by some pathetic humans that think they could possibly scare her with pretend costumes. Besides, the event this evening isn’t being held at an asylum, it’s being held at a house in the suburbs. I’ve already checked it out and it seems okay. It’s nearby the Halloween Carvinal.” When did Alistair check out this house already? Does he not sleep?
“Oh.” Sierra seems dumbfounded like her bubble just burst. “Wow, I was so worried.”
“Why couldn’t you just advise this over the phone?” I ask.
“Are you kidding? Annabelle has the nerds in her back pocket, they basically wait on her hand and foot – who knows what those tech-heads can do on her command. I didn’t want there to be a trace of our conversation.” Great, so she’s a conspiracy therorist as well as a believer in magic. What have I got myself into with this one?
“Rest assured, I can handle myself.”
“And I’ll be there regardless.” Alistair adds. I’m not sure if he felt like I was ignoring the fact that he has no choice but to go where I tell him to, but of course he would be there.
“Man, I feel awkward.” Sierra smiles, “Sorry, I really thought something creepy was going on with all the whispers and hushing around Annabelle’s group. You guys should just enjoy the party – but still be on the lookout though, okay? Just in case.”
“Your concern is really touching, Sierra. Thank you.” Her concern is touching? What exactly is it touching? I think about Alistair’s words as we turn to leave the library. Okay, sure, she did do her best to warn us about an unknown circumstance that could possibly have put her in danger if it were true…I suppose that does make me feel at ease to know I could possibly trust this human. Although, I don’t exactly know when I would need to.
I’m Morgana, the Princess of Darkness and Heir to Hell’s rule, Daughter of Lucifer the Fallen Angel…why would I need some human’s help?
Head's Will Roll
For some reason, Alistair protested to attending an event he wasn't invited to. Since when did he care so much about who he was offending? Unlike most of the men and boys passing us as we walked to the designated party location, he did not stare or gawk at my outfit. Although I didn't expect the outfit to have such a revealing low V-neck where the pentagram straps made their shape over my chest, I was enjoying the flow of the short open dress and the autumn air touching my skin through the fishnet stockings. Since the school didn't allow for heavy make-up and Alistair insisted I followed those rules, I went all out for the event, splashing my face with black eyeliner and heavy lashes. The only thing about me that wasn't black, was the deep red lipstick I decided I'd tease Alistair with – after all, he said he liked red.
As we approach the small mansion I can see why these mortals think so highly of Darren. His status at the school must be subsequent of his family's fortune – at least the Lamborghini parked in the driveway would suggest as such. Making our way through the barrage of drunken teenagers testing each other on the front lawn to battles of soberness, we eventually come to the front door where Darren happens to be standing. His eyes light up and an almost devil-like smirk breaches his features as he steps towards me. Rather disgusting that it reminds me of my father. "Morgana!" He exclaims, clearly a little intoxicated himself, "I'm glad you made it." His attention then turns to the figure standing beside me, his tattoos pertinent for the first time on Earth since I lost my powers – part of his 'costume'. "I see you brought a plus one." Darren's comment is snide, to say the least, but personally I'm entertained at the fact that I upset him.
"Well, someone has to bury the bodies." I remark, which makes him chuckle.