“What day?” I roared at his back, feeling like I was a kid again, frustrated, and wanting to kick my older brother in the shin.
“Later bro,” he drawled and I kicked the foot of the table since Nate was out of reach. I bore holes into his back as he walked away.
“Ever the asshole,” I hissed.
“That’s how I know you two are related,” came the teasing voice behind me.
Beth stepped back when I spun around. I could imagine how unwelcoming my expression was. “I was kidding.”
Working to soften my expression, I said, “I know.”
Lacing her fingers together, she nibbled her lower lip. “Your mom said she’ll see us when we stop by again. She seemed really upset, so did your dad.”
“It’s...a long story. I’m sorry you had to witness that.” Maybe that was a part of the reason why I never got close enough to anyone. I didn’t want them to see my sad family condition.
“No need to apologize.” She shifted her weight from one foot to the other and glanced at the dining table. It was already being cleared by staff. “I feel like I’m intruding.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
We walked out of Thorne mansion?well, I stormed out and Beth jogged to keep up. In my anger, I at least remembered to be a gentleman and opened her door when we reached the car.
We drove in silence and I was glad to be left alone with my thoughts. I did catch Beth stealing glances at me every now and then, but she didn’t say a word?not until we pulled into the underground parking lot of my building.
“Are you okay, Adam?”
“You still look upset.”
“I said I’m fine,” I snapped and instantly regretted it. Beth had nothing to do with my family drama. “I’m sorry,” I sighed. “I’ll be fine. Really.”
“I think you should cut your brother some slack. He just returned home. You two should make amends for whatever happened between you two.”
My anger barged in again. “Nothing happened between us. Nate just chooses to be difficult.”
“Still, you could have been more welcoming.”
“You seem to be a big fan of Nate. I guess that’s why you spent all of dinner flirting with him right in my face.”
Beth unbuckled her seatbelt and turned to me. “Flirting? I was not flirting with your brother.”
“What do you call all the giggling and eyelash batting and hugging?” The jealousy dripped from my words but I was beyond caring.
She shook her head. “You forget that I’ve known Nate since childhood, just as I’ve known you.”
“You two have never been so friendly before.”
“Yet, he’s always been a lot nicer to me than you have,” she snapped.
“Maybe you should have married him for convenience.”
I didn't know how we’d gotten there. An argument hadn’t been my intention. I wanted to hit my head against the steering wheel as Beth stared straight ahead. “I hurt your feelings again. I’m s?”
“You didn’t.”
“I’m not going to argue with you. I just wanted to offer an ear...in case you wanted to talk about what happened at dinner.”