“I’ve never known Beth Carson to be a coward.”
Slowly, I turned around. Adam stood in the middle of the room.
“You come in here to talk and now you're running. You’ve always told me what was on your mind before.”
I leaned against the door with a sigh.
“I don’t want to stay only to hear you tell me that you’ve gotten your taste of me already so you’re over me...I mean us sleeping together.” The confession was hard to get out but I wanted to be as honest as I could. “I lied when I said you didn’t have the power to hurt my feelings. You do.”
He lifted an eyebrow and studied me in that intent, silent way that always made me uneasy. “I’m nowhere near being over it, so you can relax.”
“I can’t relax. I’m finding it hard to be my usual self. I don't know how to behave around you,” I shrugged, “because I have no idea what we are.”
“Last I checked I’m a man, and you’re a woman.”
That boyish grin of his only irritated me more.
“Don’t start, Adam.”
The humorous twinkle disappeared from his eyes and he let out a breath. “Just trying to lighten the mood.”
He took slow steps toward me and I held my breath. My heart rate accelerated, my stomach fluttered and my skin seemed to tingle?my body's usual reaction since experiencing his touch in the back of that limo.
“Rest assured, I was more than satisfied when we made love.” His tone dropped an octave. Whether he was aware of the seductive quality of his voice or not, it made me shiver.
“Oh.” The heat of embarrassment almost consumed me, but I was relieved.
“I left that morning because I had an early meeting. Trust me, if I could have stayed, I would have, and I would have made you mine again...and again.”
Oh. Made me his. I liked the sound of that and so did my body because it almost melted at his feet. It was a good thing I was leaning against the door for support. The way his eyes darkened and dropped to take in the rest of me was pure seduction. Only he could make me feel desired in sweatpants and a ratty t-shirt.
It was difficult to find my next words. “So... it wasn’t a one time thing?”
“That’s not what I want. What about you, Beth? What is it that you want?”
As much as I wanted to look away, his gaze held me prisoner. I’d never held back on telling him what was on my mind before, but things were different now. Admitting that I wanted him without sounding too attached might be hard.
“I...I wouldn’t mind if we made love again.”
He didn’t say a word, just stared at me until I started shifting from one foot to the other. I’d never understood how just a look from Adam could get me so heated. It was like he was stripping my clothes away and making love to me with his eyes.
“I most definitely wouldn’t mind either, and we should, right now. There are two weeks to make up for.”
His declaration wasn’t expected so it was my turn to stare wide-eyed and slack jawed at him.
Chapter 14
I didn’t want to risk making any unwanted moves on Beth so I’d stayed away. Now that I knew she wanted more, there was nothing holding me back. Suppressing my desire for weeks had been torture and I was eager to get her into bed again. Although right now, I wasn’t sure if we’d make it that far. Seeing her eyes darken with carnal anticipation as she took shallow breaths did something to my control. Taking her right there against the door became more appealing by the second.
My head lowered and our mouths touched. I gradually deepened the kiss, savoring the way her lips followed the direction of mine and the way she sighed with contentment. I couldn’t get enough of kissing Beth and I was starting to worry that I needed her like this a little too much. She’d managed to burrow her way deep under my skin. Or maybe she’d been there the entire time. Either way, it was crazy.
“You really do have me under some kind of spell.”
“What are you talking about?” She gazed up at me through her long lashes.
I just kissed her again in response. There was no time to explain that she made me feel as no other woman had. This confusing, frightening emotional journey was hard enough without trying to put it into words. Her fingers laced in my hair to pull me closer and her body pressed against mine. I didn’t know how she managed to exude innocence one minute and then pure seduction the next, but I liked it.