“We haven’t had much to celebrate lately but, yes.”
Beth’s lashes lowered to conceal her eyes and Melissa sighed. They were no doubt remembering their beloved father. I felt like I was intruding on a family moment. Shoving my hands into my pockets I rocked back on my heels.
“I think that’s great?that you guys commemorate...everything. Crazy, but great.”
Melissa laughed and the tension that was seeping in vanished. “Beth baked a cake. She’s great at baking.”
“Really?” I eyed Beth with amusement.
“A great baker but a horrible cook. Stay away from anything she cooks, Adam. I like you and I want you to live...you are paying my tuition.”
Beth gasped. “For goodness sake, can you keep your mouth shut for the next two weeks?”
Melissa winked at me and I chuckled. “I wish I could replace my boring brother with a little sister like you.”
“You jerks would be two peas in a pod,” Beth grumbled, sashaying past the two of us. I couldn’t help admiring the sway of her hips and her perfectly rounded ass as she brushed passed. When I looked up, I caught Melissa smirking at me with a raised brow. Embarrassed to be caught checking out Beth, I cleared my throat and marched off to the table.
“You cooked?” I asked Beth, taking Melissa’s warning seriously.
She glowered. “No. It’s all takeout, except for the cake as Mel said.”
“Thank you. I’m not accustomed to all of this,” I gestured to the table.
Beth tilted her head to study me and I had to wonder what she was thinking. She was probably feeling pity for my lack of normal family interaction. “You’re welcome.”
Our gazes lingered and that weird energy sparked between us again. It had been there since we slept together two weeks ago. I hadn’t touched her since because I had no idea if she wanted me to. I had disappeared the morning after, and she hadn’t said a word. We’d gone back to skirting around each other...this time without the hostile glares. Her silence was driving me crazy.
“Will you two get a room?” Melissa’s voice penetrated my thoughts. Only then did I realize Beth and I hadn’t moved. She sat down and glanced at me and then her sister. “Wait, are you two together for real now?”
“Oh my, God,” Beth groaned, sending Melissa a lethal look that promised retaliation. “I’m going to kill you.”
“What else am I to think when you two are making googly eyes at each other?”
Was I really looking at Beth that way? I immediately took my eyes off of her and found a seat...far away from her.
“Sometimes I wish you’d learn how to hold your tongue,” she hissed at Melissa and sat down.
“It isn’t my fault you two are totally cute together...despite the whole arranged marriage thing.”
I caught Melissa’s mischievous grin and shook my head. She didn’t even try hiding her matchmaking antics. Beth sent me an apologetic glance and I shrugged. I like Melissa’s candor. I was accustomed to it from her sister anyway. I couldn’t help lingering on her observation. Were Beth and I really cute together?
My gaze traveled around the table a few times during my celebratory dinner. The whole domestic scene had never been my thing but I supposed it was because of my upbringing. While I enjoyed Melissa’s and Beth’s banter, I felt strange sitting in the mix. I didn’t know how to operate in that situation. As much as they tried including me in their conversations, I felt awkward so I was relieved when dinner came to an end.
Chapter 13
How was I supposed to behave around a man that I once despised, married, became friends with, and then slept with? This relationship was beyond complicated. What was our relationship? Friends with benefits? I’d been left in suspense for weeks. Adam’s ability to bottle up his emotions and keep going as if nothing was wrong was frustrating.
I wasn’t built that way. I was going a bit crazy skirting around him and not talking about what happened between us. That’s why I was pacing outside of his office like a madwoman at midnight. I needed to know if that glorious night we spent together was a one-time thing. It had felt so natural and I wanted to do it again. I felt like a hypocrite because I’d assured him I wouldn’t catch feelings. Yet, I was catching feelings. Letting him in on that would no doubt scare him off, so I couldn’t be completely honest. I just needed to know where we stood.
I waited until Melissa was long asleep on the other side of the penthouse to even think about confronting him. Taking a deep breath, I gave the door a light tap.
“Come in, Beth.”
A part of me had hoped he wouldn’t hear so I’d have an excuse to scurry back to my room. Reluctantly, I stuck my head around the door.