Page 20 of His Fake Wife

“How is it fair for all of the pressure to be on you?”

“Because I’m the adult.”

“I’m eighteen.”

“Right, and you should be doing teenage things. That doesn’t include worrying about the family’s finances. We’ll be okay. I promise.”

“If you say so.”

“So, are you finished venting? Do you feel better?”

“I guess. Hey, things could be worse for you. I mean, if I had to get hitched to someone as a business arrangement, I’d love for it to be Adam. He’s?”

“So hot. Yeah, yeah. I know.” Her light-hearted giggle sounded like my happy sister and I couldn’t help grinning. “And there’s no way I’d ever let you get hitched for convenience, young lady.” One of us Carsons would get married for love if I had anything to do with it. “I want you to get back to enjoying yourself. Okay?”

“Fine,” she sighed. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“Mel, I’m fine. Good night. Love you.”

“Love you,” she murmured.

Maybe I hadn’t done a good job convincing her I was okay. It was just harder for me to do that when my emotions were in shambles.

Chapter 9


Beth and I have major sexual chemistry. Who would have thought?

It had been days and that thought was still at the forefront of my mind. I hadn’t been able to focus on much since almost having sex with her in that limo. I’d even started dreaming about it, reliving each kiss, each caress, every single one of her sighs and moans.

I had a serious problem.

Maybe if we’d discussed things that night as she’d wanted, my emotions would be in a better state of resolve. I’d never been great at discussing my feelings. We Thornes buried our emotions. Besides, there was no talking about things now. She’d barely seen me in days and I was sure that was deliberate on her part. She could only avoid me for so long. We were scheduled to join the McCarthy’s for a day at the country club.

I hopped out of my car and let out a long breath as I stared at the Thorne mansion. I wasn’t in the mood for lunch with my parents, but Mom was practically near tears when she said she hadn’t been seeing much of me. Dad insisted on me coming so we could talk business. The man just couldn’t sit back and enjoy his retirement. I was starting to see why my brother had no interest in working at Thorne Holdings. Dad was a real pain in the ass.

“In and out,” I told myself as I strolled up the stone steps. In the middle of lunch, I’d come up with some excuse and leave. Sitting and watching my parents pretend to be a loving unit was beyond irritating. Wait, isn’t that what I was doing with Beth?

“Great, I’ve turned into my parents.”

I headed through the house and went straight to the second-floor terrace where my mother loved to have lunch. There they were sitting feet apart, Dad reading the paper and Mom smoking away her years of unhappiness. They both exuded misery. I avoided relationships just so I wouldn’t be at risk of becoming them only to end up in the same positions. Looking skyward, I reluctantly joined them.

“Mom, Dad.”

Mom put out her cigarette and cracked a real smile?I imagined for the first time in months. Only I or my brother could get a real one out of her. “Adam, it’s been so long.” She planted a kiss on my cheek.

“You saw me last month.”

“You should be ashamed.”

“I’m a busy man.”

“You should never be too busy for your mother. How’s Beth? How are you two getting along?”

“Let the boy breathe, Martha. He just got here,” Dad said gruffly only to ask, “How’s business?”

I patted Mom’s arm comfortingly as she rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh. “Beth is fine.”