Page 18 of His Fake Wife

She sagged against me with a content sigh and even that was a turn on. “Adam, that was amazing.”

“You were most certainly amazing to watch.” I held on to her with one arm while I fumbled with my belt and zipper. I couldn’t wait another second to get inside of her. She sat up, eyes still glazed with pleasure that turned into uncertainty.

I paused. Oh no. She was having second thoughts and I was headed for a very long and very cold shower. “What is it?”

Gaze dropping to my hand at my zipper she announced, “Before we go any further, you should know that I’ve never done this before.”

That was it? Thank God.

“Many people prefer not to have sex in the back of a car,” I shrugged. Beth had always been the prim and proper type so, as much as it physically hurt me in my lower region, I offered, “We can wait until we get home.”

“No, Adam, I mean I haven’t had sex before. I’m a virgin. I thought you had a right to know before we…” Her eyes darted around the vehicle and her face flushed a deeper pink.

It took me a few seconds to process. Virgin? I didn’t do virgins. Ever...well, not since I did one at nineteen and it resulted in a mild case of fatal attraction. It was enough to keep me away from the v-word. I stared at Beth, stunned. Clearly, she wasn’t bull-shiting me. She looked like she wanted to disappear.

“Adam? Are you okay?”

Okay? I was about to enter heaven gates only to be dragged from paradise which would result in a serious case of blue balls. I wasn’t okay.

“You couldn’t have told me this before?” I yanked her dress back up to cover the temptation of her delectable breasts and deposited her back on the seat, as far away from me as possible.

Chapter 8


I’d never heard of anyone actually dying from embarrassment but I felt like I was about to be the first. After I blurted out my virgin status, Adam kept looking at me as if I’d grown another head. I almost wished he’d laughed at me instead. At least then, I’d be furious enough to hurl a few insults. After that I'd feel a little better. I couldn’t deal with him eying me like something that just landed on Earth. What? Were virgins mythical creatures? There were plenty still out there, I’m sure.

The rest of the drive home was excruciating. I’d been forced to withstand his accusing glare as I adjusted my clothes and finger-combed my hair. I was still a bit disheveled when we got to his place and the chauffeur opened the door. I couldn’t even look the man in the eyes. I was sure he knew what we’d been up to back there, but nothing beats the humiliation of having to ride Adam’s private elevator all the way up to his apartment. The twenty floors felt like several hundred. It took forever.

I glanced at him through my periphery, wondering if he thought I was pathetic for still holding on to my v-card at twenty-six. For once, I wished he’d talk to me. No longer able to tolerate the silence, I asked, “Are you angry or freaked out? It’s hard to tell.”

His hands were in his pocket and he stared straight ahead. “Being angry with you would be ridiculous.”

So he was freaked out. I think I’d prefer his anger. Arms folded around my middle, I began, “You know, there’s nothing wrong with waiting as long as necessary for the right guy to be intimate with. Not that you’re the right guy or anything.” He was far from my ideal guy but his touch had set me on fire like no other ever had. I’d had a few boyfriends?nothing serious?and I’d fool around a bit. Yet during those few times, I never felt the way I did with Adam. I had practically burst into flames the instant he touched me.

If only I’d kept my mouth shut, we would have done the deed and he might have never known he was my first.

“It’s really none of my business and we definitely don’t need to talk about it.”

I’d never been so happy to hear the ding of an elevator. I needed out of the confined space with Adam. Stepping into the lobby of his penthouse, I let out a breath.

“If we don’t talk about it, then this huge awkward sign will hang over our heads for who knows how long.”

“Look, all you need to know is that it’s been a rule of mine to not do virgins for a long time.” He shrugged and his nonchalance made me want to throttle him. How dare he be so unbothered while I was confused and mentally freaking out? I almost had sex with Adam in the back of a limo. I despised him! Well, in recent times my feelings of disdain weren’t so strong.

“My virginity isn’t a curse.”

He turned to me then, shoving his fingers through his hair. He did that a lot when he was agitated. Oh no, I was getting to know a real married couple. I had to stifle a groan and force my mind back on track.

“Beth, just drop it. I’ll probably forget about this by tomorrow anyway.”

Ouch. With major effort, I kept my expression schooled.

“I see. In that case, I suppose there really is no need to talk. Also, if you don't do virgins because of your massive ego, relax.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I’d never get clingy with the likes of you if that’s what you’re worried about. The sex would have meant as much to me as it would have to you. Nothing! Just because we made out doesn’t mean I dislike you any less.”