Page 29 of His Fake Wife

My eyes collided with his and my heart skipped a few beats. Looking into his eyes, I regretted that our marriage wasn’t real?the emotional part of it, at least. I could actually see myself connecting with Adam on more than just a sexual level, but it could be too late. We’d already made our deal so the best I could do was enjoy the moment.

Arms tightening around him, I gave myself over to the delicious havoc he wreaked on my body. His thrusts became deeper and faster, electrifying all of my cells.

“I can stay inside of you forever.”

He sounded surprised. I was too. I hadn’t expected my first time to be this incredible. Any other experience with anyone else was already ruined.

“I wish you could. You feel so good.” What was I saying? What was he saying? It was just sex...wasn’t it? Right then I wasn’t too sure.

“Cum for me again, Beth. Right now”

Arguing with Adam was a need that wouldn’t go away anytime soon, no matter how cordial we decided to be. So, I opened my mouth to tell him he couldn’t command me to orgasm. All that came out was a cry as another orgasm ripped through me. It was like my body was suddenly in tune with him. I blinked up at him, shocked as ripples of pleasure surged through me. He didn’t slow down until he shuddered through his own release. I held on to him, for some reason never wanting to let go.

Chapter 12


What just happened?

I know Beth and I just had sex but why had it been so earth shattering? I’d fucked around too many times and for too long to much. We were still in a tangle of limbs as I tried to catch my breath. Our heavy breathing mingled in the otherwise silent room. Tremors wracked my body each time her muscles spasmed around my cock. I wanted to stay buried inside her forever. I’d never felt that way before. Usually, after I got my moment of pleasure, I tried to make my escape.

There was something about Beth, holding on to me that felt...right. It was frightening. The woman had cast some kind of spell over me for sure. Maybe if I looked at her, reality would kick in and the spell would be broken. That always worked. I looked at a woman and it hit me that I didn’t want anything more than that moment of gratification.

Slowly lifting my head, I looked at her. Cautiously, because Beth had some sort of strange power over me. Her lashes lifted to reveal sultry dark eyes. Her skin was flushed and her hair fanned out around her head like a silky curtain. She looked thoroughly fucked. Gorgeous. And I was officially screwed. Looking at her had the opposite effect I’d hoped for. I only wanted her more. Fuck.

“I must be heavy,” was the only thing I could find to say. Each breath she took crushed her breasts to my chest and my cock twitched. I needed to get away from her fast. But did I really want to?

“A little but it’s fine.”

I rolled off of her anyway and immediately felt deprived. I laid beside her on my back, not yet gaining the strength to do much else.

“Are you...okay?”

The pressure of being her first had been surprisingly overwhelming. For the first time since I lost my virginity, I’d been nervous about having sex.

“I’m great. I heard first times are always horrible. I heard wrong.”

Relief flooded me. I had wanted?needed?her first time to be good. She deserved it. Beth was different from my usual conquests. I gazed at her sideways as she stared at the ceiling. I still thought she could do better than a cad like me but hell if I didn’t feel disgustingly satisfied to be her first. I wanted to be her only. No! What was I thinking? When we parted ways, she’d find something real with some other man. Thoughts about ripping that other man apart came out of nowhere. I pulled in a deep breath and shook my head slightly. I was being ridiculous.

“Are you okay?” Propped on her elbows, she gazed at me with concern.


Her teeth sank into her lower lip and all I wanted to was devour that sweet mouth of hers again. “Is this when I leave? I’m not well versed on after-sex etiquette.”

My brows shot up and my eyes travelled down to her tempting bare breasts and then the flesh between her shapely legs. Best pussy I’ve ever been in, hands down. Would it be selfish of me to start round two, considering that it was her first time? I returned my gaze to her face and forced myself to stop perving her out.

“Do you want to leave?”

“How does causual sex work between...friends?” she laughed.

Jesus. Beth and I were friends. And we’d just fucked...made love. It felt wrong thinking about it as just fucking with a woman like her. I was just wound up in a tight ball of confusion.

“You’re probably dying to get rid of me.”

That would be the usual case.
