“I really like you, Adam.”
Yeah, she liked me so much that she screwed one of my friends just last month at a frat party. She had no idea that I knew. I didn’t give a damn and I didn’t blame my buddy. “No, I think you like the idea that I have a fat bank account.”
Her cheeks took on a pink tint. “I can’t believe you just said that.” The fake outrage made me want to roll my eyes.
“And I can’t believe you think you can take me for a fool. I know what’s what. I know your type. I’m an expert on your type. I’ve been dealing with your type since I hit puberty. I’ll never become your cash cow so give it up.”
Her gasp echoed in the empty space. “Adam. How dare you speak to me like this?”
Ignoring her indignation, I continued. I might as well get it over with?just rip it off like a bandaid.
“Five months ago, I told you I wanted to have fun and you said you were on the same page. I invited you here to have a good time. I didn’t bring you here to bond with the fam. You’re not my girlfriend and you damn well know it. So cut the crap.”
Fists balled at her sides, face flushed and chest-heaving, Lexi seemed to be struggling to find something to say...because she knew every word I said was true. “Now I want something more serious. I’ve wasted five months with you. I deserve that.”
My brows shot up. “Do you, Lexi? Do you really? Maybe Eric can give you something more serious.”
The sound of my friend’s name who she screwed made her eyes bulge. Smirking with satisfaction, I adjusted my gold cufflinks and steeled myself for what I knew was coming.
“You’re such a...a…jerk.”
I’d been called way worse so the insult just rolled off my back.
The sting of her palm against my cheek was a familiar feeling. I hope it made her feel better because I really did feel bad about breaking hearts. Except, in her case, I didn’t feel all that bad. She wasn’t exactly innocent. I remained silent and waited expectantly for her to stomp away.
She didn’t disappoint. I stared at her back until she disappeared. Sighing, I rubbed my cheek. “Like fucking clock-work.”
“Clock-work, huh? How many times have you been in this scenario? Don’t you get tired of being a cad?”
The voice that echoed from another dark corner had me gritting my teeth. I had no desire to deal with her. What went down with Lexi didn’t affect me in the slightest. I was usually a pretty calm and cool guy, but there was one person on the face of this earth who could ruffle my feathers. Beth Carson.
Beth stepped into the light and instantly the moonlight filtering through the glass balcony doors hit her hair. The strands appeared like black silk but I knew that they were dark brown. God help me, but I couldn’t help checking her out. Hate her though I might, I was still a man with eyes, and Beth sure had matured. She had an incredible rack. Where the hell had those curves come from anyway? Clearing my throat and shaking off the knowledge that Beth got kinda hot, I scowled.
“Weren’t you just downstairs? Are you stalking me?”
Beth steamrolled into my life when I was seven and she was five after our fathers met and eventually became the best of friends. We grew up in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools, and moved in the same social circles. I couldn’t escape the wise-cracking little brat.
“Don’t flatter yourself. I was just trying to escape the plastic crowd in there. I assumed you’d take your latest piece of ass to your bedroom or a broom closet or something. How was I to know you were going to do her right here in the open? Disgusting.”
Jaws clenched, I prayed for patience. “You could have walked away the second you heard us, but you stayed to listen. You dirty girl, do you get off on listening to and watching others fu?”
“Shut up you walking sack of irresponsibility. Next time find a damn bedroom. I envy Lexi for getting the chance to slap you.”
I threw my head back and roared. I just couldn’t help it. Walking sack of irresponsibility? Beth was always innovative with her insults. “Who are you to talk about irresponsibility? Aren’t you like twelve? Why don’t you run along back to daddy and leave me alone?”
“I’m almost nineteen, you dick.”
Yeah, I knew that. I only had about a year and a half on Beth but I was trying to create an image of her as much younger so that my roaming eyes would stop dropping to her cleavage. “Congratulations, now go away.”
“You go away.”
“This is my house.”
“Why don’t you go chase after, Lexi? She seems perfect for you, by the way. Of course, a reprobate like yourself can’t do any better than dense bimbos.”
We were nose to nose at that point. I had no idea how we’d gotten that close. Our arguments tended to get intense. Her words always penetrated my devil-may-care protective layer. I didn’t know why I always allowed her to get to me. Maybe because Beth never spoke anything but the truth. I have a sliver of respect for her honesty even though she was downright nasty with it.
“You know what, Beth…” I had nothing. Maybe she was right. I did seem to attract nothing but Alexias. “You should just…why don’t you...”