Page 98 of Strike Zone

“Except for your friend. The farmer.” His stare is cold and calculating. “It is quite the predicament they have themselves in. I would hate to see them lose everything.”

Dad stands and leans on his desk. “Is that a threat?”

“Take it for what you will. I’ve done my research. That land they are sitting on will make a pretty penny parceled off and developed.”

It takes all my strength to keep my mouth closed and to stay seated in my chair. I know that what I want to say will only infuriate him further and push him even more over the edge. I can’t do anything that will make him take action against Wyatt’s family.

There is only one thing I can say that will stop him but I’m not willing to do that either. We will have to call his bluff another way. I will have to beat him to the punch.

Fred stands and pulls something out of his pocket. He places a small box on the edge of dad’s desk. “I’ll leave this here. I trust you to make the right choice. If not for you, then for your friend. I’ll be watching,” he says, before heading toward the door.

“Oh, and Wren, you may want to end your little fling sooner than later. It will be easier. If not, I’ll send Daniel up one weekend to take care of it for you. I’ll see myself out.”

Once he clears the room, I feel like I can breathe again.

“Bastard.” My dad curses which is something he never does. It makes me laugh. I’m sure I look psychotic. My dad joins me. It feels good to laugh. It’s as cathartic as crying.

It might even be better. Laughing feels like winning. Crying feels like defeat. I won’t let that man win this battle. It isn’t about me anymore.

Wyatt and I are partners. Maybe not in an official capacity. And it may only ever be friends. I can accept that. What I can’t accept is delivering the enemy to his door. He has fought too hard to lose everything because of me.

“I’m not going to let him ruin Wyatt’s family,” I say, once I get my emotions under control. I stare at the ring box. “If this is what it takes, then I’ll do it. I just need to hold him off long enough to get the property free and clear and in their names. Can you start the paperwork with getting the money out of my trust and paying off the debt?”

“It could take a while.”

“I know. This is the only way. Otherwise Abbott will call in favors and try to get to them before we do.”

“I think it might be best if I handle the correspondence with the Rivers family. I don’t want there to be a connection to you until it’s necessary. If he’s been watching you at school, who knows where else he has eyes. We have to be careful. I can cover all our interactions under a different project name.”

“Okay. That sounds smart.”

“Can you give me the list of stipulations you have? I will get the papers drawn up for the family to sign when it’s time.”

“I can do that.”

“And Wren. I think you should limit your interaction with Wyatt as much as possible. You don’t want to give Fred any reason to make him act before we’re ready.”

I agree. It would be smart to keep a safe distance. Make it appear that we aren’t seeing each other. Considering all I want to do right now is crawl into Wyatt’s arms and seek the comfort I know only he can give me, limiting our interactions won’t be happening.

When did the guy who only offered a good time start feeling like forever?



Have you seen my shirt?

The Morgan Wallen one.

Check behind the couch cushion.

That's where you ripped it off me.

We should do that again.


Not there. Maybe you left it at your parents’ house.