“I’m sure.” I fiddle with my lunch to avoid their scrutinizing stares.
“You’re at his place all the time or he is over at our dorm,” Charlie states. That was all to get close to you. “You text all day long. You hate texting in case you forgot. You do laundry together. Eat lunch every day.” I look up to argue the fact that I’m eating lunch now and there is no Wyatt in sight. “Almost every day. Whatever. Should I go on?”
“There can’t be that much more,” I grumble.
“You share food. You order each other’s meals. You buy him office supplies,” Charlie continues.
“He’s very unorganized. He needed help getting his notes in order.”
“My point is, the two of you are very close. You even have the little word game you play.”
“That’s so cute,” Sydney says. It is not cute. It’s frustrating. Wyatt is currently winning this week. I’ve been trying to think of a way to work surfeit into a conversation all day.
“We’re friends. I don’t know what to tell you.” I shrug defensively.
“Sounds like the two of you are in a relationship,” Lauren says nonchalantly. They don’t know why he started spending time with me to begin with. If they did, they would come up with a different conclusion.
“She giggles now,” Charlie tells Lauren and Sydney. They both gasp. I roll my eyes. “She’s been singing more around the dorm. Wren, you’re happy. I know it has to do with that man.”
“Maybe it’s my new vitamins,” I counter. I discovered new vitamins right around the time that Wyatt started harassing me. They are made with real fruits and vegetables. Who’s to say that’s not why I’m suddenly so much happier?
Charlie sputters a laugh. “Sure, vitamins. And I’m going to marry a famous football player one day. Why don’t we all move to Deluluville with you?”
“Okay, I’ll entertain you with a hypothetical situation. Let’s say Wyatt is interested in me.”
“He is. Carry on.” Charlie gestures with her hand for me to keep talking.
“Wyatt’s interested in me. What would you have me do? I’m not just going to walk up to him and tell him to kiss me. It’s too risky.”
“Love is worth the risk,” Sydney says.
“Is it Sydney? What risks are you currently taking for love?” I ask.
“My situation is different,” she claims. I suppose. I don’t understand how a man can be off limits because he is your brother’s best friend. Especially since he’s been your friend the whole time too. “I took a risk by dating someone new. It might not have worked out, but I’m happy now.”
The lie is there behind her eyes. They don’t shine as much as they used to. She may be able to trick herself into thinking that she’s happy. Maybe she is but I don’t believe her. It’s all a facade.
“No comment,” Lauren says to her best friend. Lauren would know better than me and Charlie what’s going on with Sydney. They are basically sisters after living together for years. “Lucky for you, I’m more interested in Wren and Wyatt hooking up. Otherwise we would have to give you a lesson in how to define real happiness.”
“Brainstorm ladies,” Charlie says, redirecting the conversation. “What should Wren do to get his attention?” Charlie pulls out her phone to take notes. I should be impressed.
“I know. I could take my shirt off and show him my boobs. Oh wait, I already did that. It didn’t work.” You would think if Wyatt was interested in me, he would have said something. Done something. He didn’t. He stayed in one spot until we left the room.
“You what?” Charlie screeches.
“I flashed him my tits. It’s not a big deal. I was changing clothes and he happened to be in the room.” Being naked isn’t a big deal to me. I’m not a modest person especially when I’m around people I’m comfortable with.
And I am comfortable with Wyatt.
“And he didn’t jump your bones?” Sydney asks. I shake my head. “That doesn’t sound like Wyatt at all.”
“Exactly. It sounds like a guy who isn’t interested.” I start packing up the rest of my lunch and gathering the trash.
“It sounds like a guy who’s worried he might lose someone he really cares about if he messes up,” Lauren says.
I sigh. I wish that were the case. “I appreciate your advice and insight on this matter. I think it’s best if I let it be.”
“Fine,” Charlie relents. “Tell him hi for us,” she tacks on with a wink.