“What’s your number?”
I sigh. “I honestly don’t know. I never kept track. I could tell you the first girl and last. That’s about it.” I’m not ashamed about sleeping around but it’s not something I want to talk about in detail with Wren.
“And the next one. You could tell me the name of the next girl you’re going to sleep with,” she explains. Does she know I want to have sex with her? I guess I haven’t been hiding my attraction to her as well as I thought. “Charlie. You’re still trying to hookup with her, right?”
Charlie? Is that why she told me she wasn’t home earlier? Damn it. I never told Wren. I haven’t thought about Charlie like that in over a week. If I was being honest with myself, she was off the table after the first time Wren came over to my place and started cleaning up my room.
“Charlie and I aren’t going to happen.”
Wren dips her head and stares at the box of pizza in front of her. “I’m sorry. I know you liked her.”
I wipe my hands with a napkin then toss it into the pizza lid. Leaning back on my hands, I watch as she consolidates the leftover pizza into one box.
“I didn’t though. Like her that is. I didn’t even know her.”
She laughs. “Because you’ve gotten to know every girl you’ve slept with.”
“And you have?”
“Yes, I have. I might not know their mother’s maiden name or their favorite cereal but I knew enough," she says, pointing out a few things she knows about me. "I didn’t want to know more than necessary. Those relationships were only meant to be sexual and nothing more. I’ll never let myself get involved like that.”
This is not what I want to hear her say The more I think about it, the more I want to be involved with her like that even though I know it will only set me up for heartbreak when she goes back home to Georgia.
“Why?” I ask.
“Because I know how it ends.” She stands and collects the trash and puts the leftover pizza in the fridge.
“What does that mean?” I follow her to the kitchen. When she closes the fridge door, I’m right there waiting for her.
“It means I know I’m a lot. I’m bitchy. I say what’s on my mind without thinking of the consequences. I have quirks.” She motions towards the hallway where she has sticky notes all over the wall. “I know that once they get to know me, they’ll get tired and it will end. Instead, I choose to not let my relationships get that far in the first place.”
I crowd her against the countertop, careful not to touch her. If I touch her it will be over and I won’t be able to stop. I’m not sure she is ready for that.
“You’re a smart girl. I don’t understand where all these foolish ideas are coming from.” I tip her chin to where she's looking at me. “You're not too much. Don’t settle for someone who makes you feel like less. Wait for the man who will get on his knees and beg for more of you.”
I kiss her forehead and walk away before the temptation to pull her into my arms and start kissing her takes over.
The girls talk around me while we eat lunch. I can’t seem to focus on anything they’re saying. My mind is back on Wyatt and the way he crowded me in my kitchen. I take a small bite of my sandwich. I should at least pretend to pay attention to their conversation.
It’s a beautiful day. One of the few days I don’t mind sitting outside for lunch. There is a nice breeze and the shade to keep me from sweating through my clothes. I appreciate my friends’ love for nature and fresh air, but personally, I like it just fine looking out a window in an air-conditioned room.
“I have to put together a charity event. From scratch. Do you know how much work that is going to be?” Charlie asks.
“That’s your final?” Sydney pops a chip in her mouth.
“You say that as if it’s a simple task. Yes, this is the final. It’s basically the only grade for the semester. Professor Jim—”
“It’s so weird that you call him that,” Lauren says, smiling. She’s not wrong.
“He looks like Jim from The Office.” Charlie shrugs. “Anyway, Professor Jim is breaking the final up into smaller assignments. I’m grateful it isn’t a pass or fail situation.”
“What are you going to do?” Lauren asks.
“I’m not sure yet. It needs to be epic. I’m thinking about something physical. Maybe the proceeds can go to Royal Oaks?” Royal Oaks is the trailer park on the other side of town where Lauren lives during summer and semester breaks.