“You didn’t ask for anything in return,” Colt says.
“No. I asked for all of those things. If you don’t do them, then you have to pay back every penny. I’ve set it up where I’m guaranteed to get everything I want one way or the other,” she tells my brother.
“Why don’t you read ‘em out loud?” Dad suggests.
“Alright, the investor is allocated an unlimited budget for sticky notes and office supplies.” Ford grins.
“Of course that would be your first request,” I grumble.
“I felt it was important,” she replies.
“Can I continue?” Ford asks. We both nod. “The Rivers Family Farm must be renamed to…Songland Farms. All current businesses and any new endeavors will be considered an entity of Songland Farms.” Ford coughs, clearing his throat.
"After hearing Jack talk about the land and how it sang to the soul, I thought it was appropriate," Wren says.
“Songland Farms,” Willow whispers as her eyes fill with tears. “It’s perfect.” She glances at Wren.
“I thought so too.” Mama squeezes Wren’s shoulder.
“Each owner is allocated a parcel of land of their choosing to build a first or secondary residence. If the owner chooses not to live in said dwelling full time, they are required to come home to Songland Farms for all major holidays and birthday celebrations,” Colt reads.
“That is a very specific requirement,” Mason says to Wren.
Wren blushes as she wipes at the condensation on her glass of tea. “I’ve never been a part of a big family. It’s only been me, my mom, and Dad. Having everyone home together for Christmas sounds kind of nice.”
“You say that until you have to fight someone for the last dinner roll,” Colt jokes.
“Each owner,” Willow starts, “if they choose, is allocated at minimum ten acres of land to construct and open a business of their wildest dreams.” Willow looks up at Wren. “Will you help me with it?”
“That’s one of the stipulations. I need a job. I would like to help all of you with your business plans and take over the paperwork side of managing the farm.”
“Thank God. It’s all yours,” Ford says.
“I thought you would say that. It will give you more time to work on the farm and be with Lennon. At some point we may want to hire a financial adviser and a marketing manager. I can handle those things for now.”
“You thought of everything,” I say, kissing her cheek.
“She sure did. Keep reading Wyatt.” Mason rolls his lips to keep from smiling.
I scan the document. Wren’s listed everything from Lenny Land being the first business to be constructed to requiring Mama to plant new wildflowers every year.
“Wyatt Rivers is not allowed to alter his facial hair without the consent of the investor.” I laugh.
“I told you it was growing on me.”
“I know exactly why you like my mustache,” I say.
“Because it makes you look more handsome.”
“Sure, we can go with that.” I level her with a look. “Wyatt Rivers also agrees…” I close my eyes and inhale a breath. “To take Wren Marie Ellington as his partner in all of his business plans and in life. He agrees to love her always, even when she’s mean. He agrees to talk to her every day and hold her close at night.” I can barely get the words out as the love I have for this woman bubbles to the surface.
“Mama, is there anything else you need from me or birdie?” I ask, scribbling my signature on the document. It’s the easiest contract I’ve ever signed. I would lay down my life for this woman. She didn’t barter for enough if you ask me. I would have given her a hell of a lot more.
“No. I think we’re good here,” she says, smirking at us.
“Great. Come on, birdie. We’re going to have a little talk.” I hold out my hand and pull her up from the bench. “We’ll be back for dinner.”
We walk to the front door and stop to put our boots on.