He has to take my no as an answer.
He may take it but there will be consequences.
The screen door bangs closed before I have time to really process his text.
The Rivers boys push and shove their way inside. Colt and Mason nod hello and head straight to the kitchen for sustenance.
Ford and Wyatt crave sustenance too. In the form of hugs and kisses from their girls. Ford sits on the ottoman and pulls Lenny into his arms. Wyatt is dirty and sweaty but I lean into his embrace.
“I’ve missed you Lenny bug. We could have used your help out there,” Ford tells his daughter.
“Next time, Daddy. We had a lot of work to do before Wren leaves tomorrow,” Lenny says.
“Have you been good for Wren?”
“What do you think? I even gave her extra cuddles when she started to cry. Just like you do when I’m sad.”
“You were crying?” Wyatt asks. His eyes are etched with concern.
“It was a sad part in the movie. That’s all,” I try to reassure him.
“It wasn’t really. It was the fun part when they fly around the sky.” Her words are directed at her dad. Wyatt’s eyes are drilling into the side of my face but I can’t find the strength to look at him.
“Lenny, everyone has different experiences. It’s okay that Wren got sad and it’s okay that it made you happy,” Ford explains.
“Are you sad?” Lenny asks.
“No,” I whisper. I rub my wrist with my thumb.
“You’re really going to lie to Lenny,” Wyatt says into my ear. I glance at him. Tears sit in my eyes ready to fall. He sees it too. “Come with me.” He stands up abruptly.
I give Lennon a quick hug and meet Ford’s eyes over her head. He offers a weak smile. I don’t know if he feels bad for Lennon tattling on me or if he knows Wyatt is about to interrogate me.
Taking Wyatt’s hand, I let him lead me upstairs to our room.
“Strip,” he says after locking the door.
“You can’t boss me around like this,” I say.
He doesn’t even acknowledge me. Instead he goes into the bathroom and starts the shower. By the time I get in there he’s already taken off his shirt and is working on his jeans and underwear.
“Birdie. I’m not asking again.”
“You didn’t ask me the first time,” I snap. Then I rip my shirt off over my head. I step out of my shorts and underwear, and join him in the shower.
He’s standing under the stream of water with his back to me. I kiss his left shoulder blade and then his right one.
Resting my head against his back, I wrap my arms around him. The pads of my fingers dig into the hard muscle of his abdomen. He sighs and the storm inside him begins to calm.
He turns to face me and maneuvers us where I’m standing under the spray. He cradles my face in his hands. His touch is tender. I want him to be demanding. That I can handle. I can fight that. Wyatt being sweet like this makes me puddy in his hands.
“I don’t know why you were crying. I’m guessing it’s another one of those nothings you are being surreptitious about.”
“Good one,” I say softly. It’s been harder to play our little game out here since we’re so busy, but he’s managed to get a few words in here and there.