Is my happiness too big a sacrifice? Can I give up Wyatt for my family? The thought is crushing. It steals my breath and cools my blood. It didn’t matter before.
Before Wyatt.
Is that how I will think about my life now? The person I was before him and who I am after him? While at my core, I am still the same person. There are parts of me that are permanently altered because of this man.
We are leaving for Newhouse tomorrow and the thought makes me sad. I’m going to miss everything about this place. I’m going to miss fighting with the chickens every morning and getting head butted by goats.
I’m going to miss late afternoon walks where the sun warms your skin and cool nights sitting around the fire with everyone.
I’m going to miss waking up to Wyatt. I’m going to miss his fingers making circles on my back or on my thigh. I’m going to miss him snuggling behind me early in the morning before he leaves for a long day out on the farm.
I’m even going to miss the dirt and all the bugs.
Jack and Faith casually offered me a job the other night after dinner. I don’t need the money. Working has never been about the money to me. It’s about being useful and creating something valuable. I could do that here.
I could stay. I know my mom and dad would understand. They’ve always encouraged me to follow my heart.
If Wyatt wanted me to and if I can solve my fiancé dilemma.
Maybe Daniel would understand. If he knew there was someone else, because there is.
I snatch my phone off the coffee table and send him a text.
I know I said we could go through with the engagement but things have changed. I’m sorry.
My phone dings almost immediately.
I don’t think you understand what my father is capable of. We have to see it through.
I’m sorry he is keeping your money hostage but I can’t help you with that anymore. You will have to figure something else out.
He knows about Wyatt and his family’s situation. He’s been tracking you.
Why would he do that? They have nothing to do with you and me.
They will if there isn’t a you and me. He’s been talking to people and asking questions. I have no doubt he will try and use your attachment to Wyatt to get what he wants.
Why is being connected to my family so important to him?
I don’t think you understand how prominent your family is.
He’s right. I don’t. I know my mom came from money and my dad has paved his own way. Even though my mom is the reason this marriage was even a thought, she didn’t raise me with the same beliefs and principles she grew up on.