Page 83 of Strike Zone

“Damn it.” He groans into my neck. “We better get out of here before it’s too—” Wyatt doesn’t reach the end of his sentence before gallons of water start dropping from the sky. He hops up and pulls me with him.

He is a blur in between sheets of cold rain as he runs toward the four wheeler. My glasses are fogging and I’ve lost my sense of direction. I’m completely disoriented. “Wyatt!” I scream out for him.

“I’m here. We’re going to have to make a run for the barn. Take my hand.”

The rain hits my bare arms like a thousand needles as we slip around on the slick grass. My hair is plastered to my face making it even more impossible to see.

“Almost there,” he shouts. Good because my legs feel like they might give out.

He lifts the latch on the barn door and pushes me inside first. It’s dark. Not quite pitch black, but it might as well be with my poor eyesight.

“Don’t move. I’m going to turn on a lantern.”

“You have one?” I ask, wringing the water out of my hair.

“Among other things. We’ll be good here until morning.”

“Morning? We can’t stay here all n-night.” I start to shiver. Even without the rain and wind, it’s freezing in here.

“Why not? It will be an adventure,” he says, as he moves around the barn. Suddenly a warm yellow light begins to glow. “It isn’t much but it will do.”

“I-it’s b-better th-than n-nothing.”

He rushes to me. “You’re freezing.” He pushes my wet hair off my face. “I’m going to get you a blanket.”

Now that there is light, I walk around the barn in a pathetic attempt to get warm. It’s nicer on the inside than I thought it would be. The ground is mainly dirt with a few patches of grass growing through the cracks between the ground and the wooden walls.

He digs inside a trunk in the corner and comes out holding a few wool blankets. They don’t exactly scream cozy. I suppose now isn’t the time to be picky.

He lays one down on the dirt. Then proceeds to take off his shirt.

“Wh-what are you doing?” I ask. My eyes are glued to his sculpted body.

“We’ll freeze in our clothes. You need to undress and wrap up in a dry blanket.” He unbuttons his jeans and begins to step out of them. With a blanket wrapped over his shoulders, Wyatt gives me his back and takes off his underwear. Interesting. Is he shy or being a gentleman again?

He’s draped his clothes over one of the stall rails. I do the same with mine. Wyatt doesn’t take his eyes off me as I speed walk toward him completely naked to get my blanket. If I wasn’t freezing, I would have at least attempted to look sexy.


“A little.” I lay down on the blanket in the fetal position and try to keep myself from shivering. It isn’t working.

“Let me keep you warm, birdie.” Wyatt lifts his blanket enough for me to slip underneath it. I bury myself in his chest while he works to readjust our blankets so they are layered and covering both of us. “Is this okay?”

“Fine except for your dick chaffing my thigh. Can you put it away?” I shiver and inadvertently rub myself against his erection making him growl.

“No, I can’t put it away, birdie. I’m not a Mr. Potato Head. I can’t remove my cock and put it back on when it’s time to use it.”

“That’s not what I mean. Tuck it in or something.”

“Sure, I'll put it away in my penis pocket.” He glares at me. “You’re one to talk. Your nips are drawing on my chest like a damn Etch A Sketch every time you move.”

“I’m freezing. I can’t help it. Isn’t your dick supposed to get smaller when it’s cold?”

Lightning strikes over the pasture, lighting up the barn in a quick flash. I flinch and dip my head deeper into his chest.

“Typically yes. Except you’re here. And when you’re around, well, this is what happens.” He runs a hand down my back. It’s meant to be comforting but instead it's turning me on. The light caress sends shivers down my spine.

I drag a hand down his side. His skin breaks out in tiny goosebumps under my touch. I do it again and his muscles seize. He looks at me with a fierceness that has my heart beating out of my chest.