Page 81 of Strike Zone

“I was going to start working on social media but we need a name for the farm first. Everyone seems to have their own agendas on the matter. We do have a front runner,” she says, smiling again.

“I can’t wait to hear this.”

“Lenny Land.” We both laugh.

“Of course. Why didn’t I think of that one?”

“I told Lenny she can maybe build a playground. She can help design it and name it whatever she wants. What?” she asks. I realize I’ve been staring at her.

“Nothing. You just amaze me. I like watching your brain work. It’s hot. Turns me on.” I waggle my eyebrows and put the last bite of my sandwich in my mouth. “I’m going to go shower. Then I want to take you somewhere.”

“Alright. I’ll finish up and put all this away so the table is clean for dinner.” She takes her plate to sink.

“Birdie,” I say. She looks at me over her shoulder. “We need to talk about something.” I’m struggling to maintain control and keep my hands to myself. Last night I folded faster than Wren can fold one of my shirts. And right now she’s barefoot in my kitchen looking real pretty with the afternoon light shining through the window making her skin glow.

She turns and leans against the counter. “What’s going on?”

I walk up to her and tuck a stray hair behind her ear. Her eyes cut through any defenses I still had up. “I haven’t hidden the fact that I’m attracted to you. If I was a betting man I would say you’re attracted to me by the way you reacted to me last night.”

“It’s a pretty safe bet.” She crosses her arms. I smirk.

“I want you, birdie. I’m done skirting around and playing games.” I run a hand up her thigh and give her a good squeeze. Her hands find my chest.

“I thought you liked playing games with me.” Her head tilts to the side and she smiles at me.

“You’re right I do.” I can’t resist her any longer. I lean in and brush my lips against hers. The kiss starts off slow like we’re still testing the waters. She digs her fingers into my hair and suddenly I’m a drowning man. Lost in this woman.

I pin her against the cabinet, slipping a hand up her shorts until I reach the trim of her underwear. I toy with the edge of the fabric with my thumb. “If I were to slip my finger inside you, would you be as wet as you were last night?” I kiss down her neck and over her collarbone. Inaudible words encourage me to continue.

“I bet you are. The question is, is it for me or did making all of those spreadsheets turn you on?”

“You and your dirty shirts and backward hats.”

“Do you like me dirty for you?” I kiss her after she nods. “How about tonight I make you dirty for me and then I’ll lick you clean?”

The front door opens. Wren tries to pull away, but I keep her in place.

“Not in the kitchen,” Ford scolds, from behind me. “Cover your eyes, Lenny.”

I wink at Wren. Her cheeks are rosy. I don’t know if she’s embarrassed or worked up thinking about the plans I have for her tonight. “I’m going to go get that shower now. I’ll be right back,” I say then press my lips to hers one last time.

“The kitchen? Really? I expect that kind of behavior from my brother, but not you,” I hear Ford say as I head upstairs.

“We were talking. You can’t talk in the kitchen now?” she sasses him back. I’m glad she feels comfortable enough to talk back to them. You have to hold your own in this family.

“Wren, I have a daughter. I know exactly what was happening in here. But sure, we’ll go with talking.”

“It’s not my fault your brother is really good with his words.”

I look forward to showing her what else I’m good at later tonight.



Wyatt drives the four wheeler around the south side of their property. We pass the old barn they’ve been cleaning out most of the day. Lenny waves at us from a large pile of scrap metal she’s perched on.

The wind whips my hair and I inhale the fresh spring air. The air is crisper further away from the main house and all the animals. It’s lighter and invigorating. It seeps into my skin making me feel free and untethered.