Page 73 of Strike Zone

“Maybe.” That’s what I tell my brother, but the truth is to me she is different. She stands out in a crowd. In every room, I am drawn to her.

“She’s your friend. If you only want to sleep with her, do some kind of friends with benefits thing.” He shrugs. “Keep feelings out of it. You’re leaving to go play baseball after graduation anyway.”

I tense at the thought of not coming back home and running the farm with my family. How am I going to be able to sign a contract and stay away for another three to five years? That seems easier than keeping things casual with Wren.

“Does that kind of relationship work for you?”

Ford looks up at the stars. “I can’t risk any kind of relationship. Not now. Maybe not ever. I’m not putting Lenny through that again. I don’t need her thinking someone leaving has anything to do with her. She comes first.”

“You don’t think it would mess up our friendship?”

“Set up ground rules. Make sure you are both on the same page. Hell, have a safe word.” He chuckles. “Pick an end date and know that you can stop at any time and go back to the way it was before. Put her in charge.”

“She’ll love that.” I grin thinking about Wren writing up all the rules to this arrangement. I was ready to dive in dick first last night, but maybe setting up some parameters is a good idea. “Thanks, Ford.”

“Not sure I said anything helpful but keep it down tonight. I don’t need Lenny asking me what all the animal noises are inside the house again.”

“That was Colt, not me,” I say, pointing a finger at him.

“What was me?” Colt asks, stepping onto the porch to join us.

“The guy who had sex with the girl who sounds like a dying cow when she’s fucking,” Ford answers. “Lenny had so many questions.”

“She wasn’t that bad,” Colt attempts to defend himself but he can’t keep a straight face. We all start laughing. “I came out here to tell you that Wren went upstairs for bed. She was getting tired.”

I shoot up from the rocking chair so fast it crashes against the house.

“Have a good night,” Ford shouts, as I rush inside and up the stairs. I can hear their laughter with every step until I reach my room.

I open the door slowly not wanting to startle Wren. When I walk inside, the room is empty but the water is running in the bathroom. I sit on the bed and wait for her to come out. I could use the time to get my head on straight.

Am I really going to propose a friends with benefits situationship? Could we do it? Will she be offended if I don’t want more? Because I would ask for all of her, if things were different.

Is that what she meant too when she said she wishes things were different? That we could try if she wasn’t stuck with her engagement arrangement?

The bathroom door clicks open pulling me from my thoughts. Wren walks out wearing a silky blue pajama set with tiny shorts and a top with white buttons. Fucking hell. I groan and drop my head back to stare at the ceiling.

“Hey,” she says, turning her back to me and starts messing with her phone. Is she stalling? I know she can feel my eyes on her by the way she bounces from foot to foot. Either that or she needs to pee again.

“I’m going to get ready for bed.” I hop off the bed. Reaching around her, I pull some underwear out of my drawer. I run a finger along the hem of her shorts. “I like these.”

I take a quick shower, take a piss, and brush my teeth. She is still checking something on her phone when I walk back into the bedroom but does a double take when she sees me in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs.

“Why aren’t you wearing any clothes?” she asks, scolding me.

“I’m wearing my pajamas.”

“Those are not pajamas. These are pajamas.” She gestures to her clothing. “You are wearing underwear. Those go under your actual pajamas. If you are trying to change my mind about messing around in your parents’ house, you will have to try harder than that.”

“I’m not trying anything. This is what I sleep in.” Hooded eyes follow my hand as I run it over my abs and further down to readjust my cock. She is making me hard just by having her eyes on me. Her little shorts are doing a good job of spurring me on too.

She chews on her lip absentmindedly and I want to pluck it out from between her teeth. I resist the urge to step up behind her and pull her ass against me. It would be nice to ease some of the pressure. My poor dick is angry. Instead I walk over to my side of the bed and make a show of pulling down the covers.

I lay down on my back and put my hands behind my head. I’d close my eyes but then I’d miss my little bird being fit to be tied. Her chest heaves as she zones out staring at the bed. That head of hers is going a mile a minute right now.

She said I have to keep my hands to myself while we’re in my mama’s house but there is no way I’m sleeping next to her every night and not touching her.

I’ll give her tonight. Let her get a good night’s sleep. Then tomorrow we’re going to have a conversation about how we’re going to do this. I’ll see what she thinks about a friends with benefits relationship.