Once they're all out of ear shot, I can deal with my little birdie.
“Any idea why Charlie is suddenly asking me out on a date? Seems kind of out of the blue. Did you say something to her?”
“I’m as shocked as you are. Maybe she bumped her head and has amnesia. She’s forgotten how annoying you can be.” The side of her mouth curls slightly.
“Funny.” Damn, I like it when she’s mean to me. There has to be something wrong with me to get turned on by all the strikes she sends my way.
“I thought so.” She lets out a sigh. “You better go. It’s rude to keep her waiting.”
“Of course it is.” Wren and all her rules. “Thanks for coming today.”
“No problem. That’s what friends do.”
“Wait, are you admitting that we’re friends?” I feign shock. She rolls her eyes.
“It seems to be the case.”
“I agree. And as your friend, I have to tell you that I hate your shirt,” I say. Then start walking backward toward the parking lot. “It’s hideous.” Wren looks down at her clothes in confusion. I hope she doesn’t put two and two together and figure out I hate it because it isn’t my name on her back.
Charlie pushes her plate to the edge of the table next to mine.
We’ve kept ourselves entertained with small talk about our classes and Sandra Bullock movies.
If this is what dating is like, it isn’t terrible. I can't help myself from wishing Wren was here instead. Charlie is nice to talk to but it’s like talking to myself. Every time I say I like something she says ‘me too’.
In theory, it’s cool to have things in common, but I miss the verbal battle. I miss the glares and the cheap shots. I send Wren a quick text under the table.
Charlie hasn’t picked on me once.
It’s nice.
She actually likes the same things as me.
Good to know you both have terrible taste. You’re made for each other.
I chuckle in my head but I can't stop the smile from etching my face.
“How is she?” Charlie asks. I must look confused because she says, “Wren. You’re texting her.”
Oh. She noticed.
“It’s fun to annoy her.”
“Right. You like her. Yet, you’re sitting here with me. Why?”
I huff a laugh. Wren asked me the same thing weeks ago. She wanted to know why I was still sitting with her instead of chasing after Charlie like I wanted.
Now I’m sitting with Charlie wishing I was with Wren. Oh, how the tables have turned.
“You asked me out. I wanted to give it a shot. We’re having a good time.”
“Is that why you’re texting Wren? You’re having so much fun with me? Come on, Wyatt. You and I do not have chemistry. We’re admittedly good looking people, but there is no attraction. No spark. Every time we’ve hung out you’ve had your eyes on Wren. So, tell me again, why are you here with me?”
I drop my head and sigh. “I can’t get your voice out of my head. I thought if we hooked up your voice would be gone and my brain would function normally again.”