“Okay, we can go with that. Since you don’t do “boyfriends” and have an aversion to catching feelings for a man. He’s perfect for you. Y’all could have a little fun and walk away with no harm done.”
I wince. While her words are true, they still sting. I’m not naive to the fact I am a difficult person to love. I don’t love easily either. I have restricted all of my relationships in college to sex only. I never let emotions get involved. If I keep relationships within the scope of my own rules, they are easier to control. I can’t get hurt or let down if my expectations stay relatively low.
I will admit Wyatt and I are similar this way. The only difference being my relationships are monogamous and last more than one night. I don’t sleep with a man once and move on to the next. I’m not judging him. He can do what he wants. I’m simply a firm believer in quality versus quantity. I apply the same logic to purchasing pants. The higher the quality, the longer they last. I prefer my sexual partners to last a long time.
Regardless, I need to redirect Charlie in the other direction. Wyatt isn’t interested in me. He wants her. And it seems he isn’t going to leave me alone until I help him get her.
“Don’t dismiss him too soon. Maybe you will have a spark tonight.”
She considers me for a moment. “I thought we did a few months ago. The night he came over looking for us and you hid in your room.” She gives me a pointed look.
“What? I had things to do. I didn’t want to go. I doubt I was missed.”
“We were both missed and you know it. Don’t talk about yourself like that.” Charlie stands and enters the kitchen. “Anyway, Wyatt is fun and nice to look at but he can’t give me what I want.”
“Finding a husband is overrated,” I mutter.
“Maybe for you, but I want one. I look at couples like Lauren and Hart, and I want that.”
Our friends Lauren and Hart are sickeningly sweet together. “I’m sure you’ll get it. In the meantime, there’s Wyatt.” I plaster a fake smile on my face.
“Nice try. Not happening. Not when he’s right for you,” my roommate, who is currently pushing her luck, says with a smirk. I try not to gag.
“Please don’t say that again.” I close my planner and push it aside. “How about we go out tonight and see what happens?”
Charlie looks me up and down. “Fine. I’ll go, if I get to pick out what you wear.”
“You already agreed to going. My outfit is not up for negotiation.”
“Then I’m not going.”
“Perfect. If you don’t go, I don’t have to go.”
Her brow furrows in frustration. “You’re impossible.” She throws her hands in the air and stomps off toward her room. She stops suddenly at the threshold. “Wear what you want, but we’re going.”
Once she’s out of sight, I smile. After tonight, I can wash my hands of this whole situation. I text Wyatt back letting him know we’ll be there.
The Armory isn’t the only establishment on campus to get a drink, but it is the most popular. This is where you’ll find the majority of the student body who feel the urge to blow off steam, find someone to hookup with, or watch the game on the big screen.
Tonight isn’t any different. While it’s not as crowded as it was on Halloween weekend, it’s still busier than I would like. The draw to cheap beer and wings must be too hard to resist.
“Did you text him we’re here?”
“Do I need to do that?” I told him we were coming. Isn’t that enough?
“Yes, Wren. How are you supposed to find him in the middle of all of this?” She throws her arms around towards the clusters of students standing in the middle of the bar and around high top tables.
We’re here.
“I texted him. Happy now?”
“Thrilled.” Charlie’s head swivels around the crowded bar. I have a sneaky suspicion she isn’t looking for Wyatt. “I’m going to look in the back. Send me a text when you find him.”
“Do not leave me here,” I hiss. I know Charlie. The back room is where the dance floor and DJ are located. She is going to get lost in the music, the lights, and whatever guy she’s managed to sucker into dancing with her.
“I’m going to do one quick spin around the back room. It won’t take me but a few minutes. I promise.”