I am living a double life.
And tonight, everyone at Newhouse University is going to find out.
Tonight, people will learn there are two different sides to me. The Lauren I am on campus. Quiet. Introverted. Reserved. Invisible. And then the Lauren I am when I step on the dance floor. Loud. Bold. Fierce. Center of attention.
I read the text from my roommate Sydney one more time.
I tried to talk them out of it. But they wouldn’t back down. We’re coming to The Warehouse tonight.
Shutting my eyes, I let out a long exhale. It shouldn’t surprise me that Sydney couldn’t talk her brother and his friends out of coming tonight. It’s move-in week, and everyone on campus has been talking about the new club that opened just outside of Montgomery over the summer.
It’s been the place to be the last few months. Everyone who is anyone local to Montgomery has been to The Warehouse at least once. And if you are part of a crew? You’ve been here every weekend trying to win a battle and, more importantly, earn respect for your crew.
I almost didn’t show up tonight with school starting next week. My intuition told me it would be a bad idea, and Sydney just confirmed I was right. I refuse to let Carter down, though.
Carter is the leader of the King’s Crew. I became a member a little over two years ago. It’s been one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Joining the crew gave me a temporary home.
That seems to be the only kind of home I’m allowed to have.
Being a member of the crew has become one of my biggest secrets. Sydney is the only person at school who knows about me dancing here tonight. Not anymore. I remind myself.
My double life isn’t that big of a deal. I worry because I don’t know what people will think of me when they see me dance.
I’m not ashamed. I don’t want to get on anyone’s radar for the wrong reasons. It’s happened before, and I’ve learned my lesson.
Neon LED lights bounce off the walls and around the building lighting up the multiple bars and dance floor. The Warehouse would be blacked out if wasn’t for the seizure inducing lights and the warm glow of sconces lining the walls.
I weave my way through a sea of black and gold. Alabama State is representing hard tonight. Rumor has it their step team is one of the best in the state.
Looking across the dance floor, there is a swarm of blue, black, and silver. Newhouse U decided to show up tonight too as I predicted. Perfect.
My phone vibrates in my pocket. I already know what it’s going to say.
We just parked.
K. I’ll go hide now.
You can’t hide from me, babe.
Don’t I know it.
Sydney and I have been roommates since Freshman year.
I tried keeping to myself like I always have in new places. I didn’t come to Alabama with the intention of making friends. I came here to start over and get an education at Newhouse University.