Page 17 of Easy Out



“Where’s Syd?” Koa asks Nash when we pull up to Nash and Syd’s childhood home.

“She just left with Lauren and a car full of boxes.”

“And there’s still more?” Koa is baffled. So am I. Everything I brought to the townhouse fit in a duffle bag. It’s not like we live far away from campus and can’t come home if we need something.

“Bro. Don’t get me started. She wants a bookshelf and some chair that is ‘perfect for reading.’ Apparently, Lauren doesn’t share hers. Then there’s also a dozen or so boxes full of books,” Nash says with a roll of his eyes.

The three of us make quick work loading up Nash’s truck. It wasn’t without a few curse words or complaints, though. Then I remembered we had to bring it back up to their dorm room and said a few more choice words in Spanish that would earn me a smack in the head by my abuela if she was here.

“How did Wyatt get out of this?” I ask as we search for a parking spot in the lot outside the girl’s residence hall.

“He said he had something to take care of. That could mean anything with Wy,” Nash answered.

That is an understatement. As long as I’ve known Wyatt, he has been involved in one thing or another. Rarely was it something that didn’t lead to trouble. I blame the fact that he grew up secluded on his family farm. He gets bored easily and chooses chaos to stimulate his brain.

Grabbing a box out of the back of the truck, I follow Koa and Nash through the door and up to the second floor. Sweat is coating my back and forearms making it more difficult to hold on to the box I’m carrying.

As I walk through their door, I smell her—coconut, mint, sunshine, and whatever else the little witch uses for her potions and spells. I can’t believe I let her get to me last night. When I told her to have sweet dreams and not to cast any more spells, the desire to kiss her was strong. I wonder what she would have done if I did.

I’m over it now. I woke up this morning with a clear head. My focus is back on school, baseball, and getting drafted. I’m not going to risk being distracted now. Even if the brujita intrigues me.

“You can put the boxes in the corner there.” Syd points to the far-left corner of their shared living room. “I need the bookshelf in my room before I can unpack all of these beauties.” Syd has a dreamy, lost-in-love look in her eyes. I have never seen anyone so excited about books before.

“Syd, where’s Lauren?” Nash asks as I step out of the room to make another run down to the truck.

“In her room.”

“I need to talk to her.”

They are both quiet, making me think the conversation is over, but then Syd says, “You need to give her space. Lauren has a lot going on right now. She doesn’t need you butting in her life.”

What else does Lauren have going on? Memories of Matt tailing her through the club has me grinding my molars. Then there’s whatever she has going on with Emilio and that other guy she was hanging out with. I can’t forget about her considering a job at Ray’s bar either.

That has my gut clenching. Lauren doesn’t belong in a place like Ray’s. It’s not the worst bar in town but far from the classiest. I’ve been there with the baseball team a few times. I’ve never walked out of there without witnessing at least one fight and multiple guys pushing boundaries with the girls who worked there.

I hustle down the stairs and back with two boxes this time. I don’t need them questioning me and realizing thoughts of Lauren are slowing me down. I shouldn’t be thinking about her period. The fact that I am is annoying.

“Less talking. More moving. I don’t want to be here all day,” I snap at Nash and Sydney, who are still bickering with each other.

When Lauren sweeps into the living room, I practically trip over my feet. She’s wearing a cropped tank top and cutoff jean shorts so short the lining of the pockets peek below the hem. Mierda! Her legs look phenomenal.

I’m still getting my fill when Nash moves in front of her blocking my view. I drop the boxes on the floor by the others with a loud bang. Nash and Lauren flinch. I don’t know if it’s from me dropping the boxes or Sydney’s loud shriek.

“My babies! Hart, do not manhandle my books like that. I swear if there is one bend of a cover or a scuff of a spine, you will pay.” I roll my eyes. She’s being ridiculous. Her books are fine. “That’s it. You’re off duty until it’s time for the furniture. You can help Lo in the kitchen.”

I quirk an eyebrow at Lauren. “Sunday dinner.” Lauren shrugs a shoulder like it’s obvious.

“Can we talk?” Nash asks, bringing Lauren’s attention back to him.

“What about my stuff that is currently baking in the back of your truck?”

“Koa is still making trips. It’s not my fault you fired Hart. This will only take a second anyway.” Nash informs her.

I move to one of the stools they have tucked under the breakfast bar. For a dorm room, their kitchen is a decent size. It’s almost as big as ours at the townhouse. They lack the counter space we have, but the peninsula jutting out past the oven gives them enough room to chop shit and eat if they want.