Page 124 of Easy Out

“Would you like that? Do you want to go with Miss Lauren?” He asks the boys. They both nod immediately. “You can have them for the weekend only. On Monday you need to contact Cheryl at CPS and ask about temporary guardianship.” He hands me her card.

“There is a whole process involved. I believe the boys will be safe with you for the time being. Call me if you need anything.” He passes me his card with his name and number on it. Then walks out the door.

Carlos rushes me and wraps his arms around me. “Thank you,” he chokes out between tears. I’m reminded just how young Carlos is in this moment.

Underneath the tough exterior is a young man who deserves more than this world has given him.

“I would do anything for you. You know that right?” He nods, clearing the tears from his face. “Why don’t you and Manny pack up all your things. We’ll bring everything over to my place.”

“I don’t want to come back here, Lo. I want to stay with you forever.” I know how the system works and this is a promise I can’t make.

The chances of me getting custody while I’m in school and working at a bar are not good.

“I know, Manny. Let’s just start with tonight, okay?” I give him a big hug before he runs off to his room with Carlos.

“Cariño, you can’t take them in.”

“Don’t you think I know that?” I whisper shout. I don’t want the boys to overhear us. “I can’t let them go through what I did, okay? If they left with the police, who knows where they would have ended up. I couldn’t let that happen.”

“I’ll make some calls and see what we can do for them,” my dad offers.

“Thank you.” He gives me a giant bear hug I didn’t know I needed from him.

“It will all work out.” I hope so. “I love you piccolo.“ I love you too.

I hug my brothers goodbye. Marco promises to text me in the morning and offers to bring breakfast when they bring Hart’s car back. Enzo is silent as he walks out the door but there is a storm brewing within him. He is a protector by nature. I’m sure he’s thinking of ways he can fix this for everyone.

I should help the boys pack or maybe clean up this mess in case they have to come back here again. Please don’t make them come back.

“Ven aquí, cariño.” Hart takes my hand in his and pulls me onto his lap where he’s sitting on the couch. “Stop thinking so much.” Hart’s thumb grazes over my eyebrow. “We’ll figure this out together.” I kiss him in appreciation.

Together. It’s such a simple word. But knowing that I’m not alone anymore. That there is someone in this with me, no matter how hard it gets, does something to me.

“I’m going to talk to Mamá. Do you think the boys would be happy living with them?" Yes. I do.

“Do you really think your parents would do that?”

“Sí, cariño. Mamá loves you. We can go over there after breakfast and come up with a plan." I don’t think I’ve ever been more grateful for this man.

“Te amo," I whisper, placing a kiss on his cheek.

“Te amo, cariño.”

Tomorrow. We will figure everything out tomorrow. Tonight, we’re safe and we’re together.



I step up to the plate and get into position. Ignoring the scouts in the stand, I stare down Rooney, the pitcher. He’s been throwing high fast balls at me all night. It’s starting to piss me off. Not because I want to impress the scouts. They already know if they want to sign me or not.

I want to hit something. I want to feel the hard strike of my bat against the ball. Ever since the incident a few weeks ago I’ve been spending all my free time in the batting cages trying to rid myself of this pent-up aggression.

Lauren still isn’t sleeping through the night. She said every time she closes her eyes, she can see him standing over her with a knife threatening the boys. Not threatening her, the boys. That is not how I remember the scene.

I can’t get the image of Miguel towering over Lauren out of my head. I’m jealous Morelli got a few hits in.

At least I have my bat. If only I could get a good pitch.