Page 123 of Easy Out

Hart runs his hands up and down my back. I dig my head into his chest and breathe him in. The material of his uniform isn’t as soft as his t-shirts, but I don’t care. It still smells like him. That’s the only comfort I need right now.

His hand glides over my side and I tense waiting for it to hurt. Hart freezes and pulls away slightly. Lifting my shirt, he examines the bruise I know is forming.

“I’m fine. It’s just a bruise.” He bends down and drops his forehead to mine.

“You may be fine cariño, but I am not. When you didn’t show up…“ Hart blows out a shaky breath. “I was so fucking worried about you. Seeing him stand over you with a knife. I’ve never been more scared.”

“I’m sorry.”

“It’s not your fault. Don’t be sorry, cariño. You did good. I’m proud of you.”

“But your game.” I tug on his uniform.

“Fuck my game. You are the only thing that matters to me. Te amo,“ he says then kisses the top of my head.

“Hey. How are you doing?” Enzo asks.

“I’m okay. Thanks for joining the rescue squad.”

“Anytime.” I know he means it too. “The police want to talk to you, and I think Manny needs you as well.” His eyes flick to Manny sitting on the couch by himself. Carlos is talking to the police along with Linda.

“Hey buddy. You doing okay?” Manny doesn’t answer me. He looks sad, scared, and maybe a little angry. I put an arm around him, and he curls into my side. “I’m kind of tired of people asking me that too. You don’t have to answer me.”

The police currently have Miguel in handcuffs. He is fuming as they escort him out of the house. He isn’t going without a fight. He’s yelling obscenities. Telling Linda to watch her back.

I guess she agreed to finally press charges against him.

“Are they going to take us away too?” Manny’s voice is so quiet I barely hear him.

“No. Why would you think that?” He shrugs his shoulder. “I don’t know what’s going to happen Manny. I will be with you the whole time though, okay?” He nods and rests his head back on my chest.

The police come and ask questions next. I answer them the best I can without upsetting Manny more than he already is.

“We are taking the mom too.” I overhear the officer say.

“What?” I jump up from the couch. “Hart, can you?” I nod toward Manny. “Why are you taking Linda?” I ask the officer again.

“Child endangerment. Neglect. You name it. She will need to complete rehab and go through the powers that be to get the boys back in her care.”

“Where are Manny and Carlos going to go?”

“We’ll place them in temporary custody.”

“Absolutely not.”

“Lauren.” My dad has the nerve to scold me. I glare half plead with him. “Is there another option?”

“If they have family in the area, they could stay with them.”

“Me. I’m their family.” I dig a finger into my chest. I’m hanging on by thread here. I’m emotionally and mentally drained. I swear if they get taken from me… “I want them to be with me.”

“No offense ma’am but aren’t you a little young to take on this responsibility?”

“No. I’m not. What do I need to do to prove I’m capable and have them leave with me tonight? My house is down the street. Do you need to see it? They have beds of their own, food, clothes, everything they need. Please.” I take a deep breath. “Please don’t take them away from me.”

If they walk out that door, I may never get them back. I won’t let them get lost like I did. This room is filled with people who love Manny and Carlos. There isn’t a valid reason why they should be anywhere else but with me.

The officer looks over at Hart consoling Manny. Then at Carlos leaning against the wall with my brothers anchoring him. Linda and Miguel have both been removed from the home by other officers. I hope they get help somewhere along the way. Especially Linda. I know she loves these boys. She’s just trapped in a bad cycle.