I don’t need to understand what he’s saying to know that whatever it is, I’m here for it.
I look up into the stands for the hundredth time in the last five minutes. Lauren still isn’t here. She texted me over an hour ago that she was on her way to pick up Carlos and Manny for my game.
Standing in front of the dugout, I make eye contact with Alessandro. He’s just as concerned as I am.
Lauren and her dad have come a long way from the first time they met up for coffee.
It’s been almost two months, and he has woven himself into her life. Lauren set a challenge for Morelli to prove he wanted to be a part of her life and he stepped up to the plate.
He has dinner with us at least once a week either at my parent’s house or at his home with Victoria. I thought things with Tori would be awkward, but it isn’t in Lauren’s nature to hold on to animosity.
Tori will never replace Lauren’s mom, but she has become a friend. I think Lauren is building that relationship more for her brothers than herself.
It’s still difficult to wrap my head around the fact that my best friends are my girlfriend’s brothers. Sometimes I wonder if I would have fallen for Lauren if I had grown up with her or if she would have just been Enzo’s little sister.
No, mi brujita would have enchanted me from the moment I laid eyes on her like she does now. Every time I see her, I fall in love with her even more. I wish she was here right now so I can tell her again just how much.
Where the fuck is she?
“Don’t be nervous about the scouts.” Coach Lawson slaps his hand on my shoulder. Scouts? I couldn’t care less about them right now.
I’m not the only player they are looking at today. They have their eyes on Wyatt, Koa, and a few guys on ASU. Enzo and Marco are both being heavily scouted as well.
“Hart? Did you hear me?” I shake my head. I didn’t realize Coach was still talking to me.
“I said that Morelli kid likes to hit to the left corner. Don’t let them get past you.” Like I would let Enzo have the satisfaction.
“No problem, Coach.”
“Is there something I need to know?” His eyes narrow on my face. I don’t think I could mask my concern over Lauren if I tried.
“My girlfriend isn’t here yet. She should have been here a half hour ago. I’m worried something is wrong.”
“Has she called?”
“No. She isn’t answering my texts or phone calls.”
“Did you do something to piss her off?” I glare at him.
“The game starts in ten minutes. Go talk to your family. Have them find her and you get your head in the game.” I hate to break it to him, but my head won’t be anywhere near this game until I have eyes on Lauren.
I walk over to where my family is sitting and pop over the barrier wall. Morelli is standing in front of my parents and texting furiously on his phone.
“Have any of you heard from Lauren?” My eyes cast over the row where my mom sits between my dad and Sydney.
“No, but she’s still at the trailer park.” Syd passes me her phone. She has a map pulled up on the screen and Lauren’s face marks her GPS location.
“Something doesn’t feel right about this. It shouldn’t have taken her this long to pick up the boys.” Mierda! I hand Sydney her phone back.
“I’m going to get her,” I announce and turn back to the field to get my things.
“I’m going with you,” Morelli says, placing a hand on my shoulder.