The living room is dark and empty. Her coconut scent lingers in her room, but it is just as empty as the rest of the dorm.
Did she drive out to her trailer? She was supposed to spend time with Manny and Carlos tomorrow. Maybe she headed over there early? I pull out my phone to send her a quick text. I don’t have much faith that she’ll answer me at the moment.
Are you okay? Where are you? Are you at your trailer?
Please Lauren. I need to see you.
It’s a thirty-minute drive out to Royal Oaks. I run through scenarios on what I’m going to say, and nothing feels right. Apologizing doesn’t seem like enough considering the life altering news she just received. Apologizing makes everything about me when it’s only ever been about her.
Her driveway is empty, but the light is on inside. I text Carlos and ask him if he’s at Lauren’s place. I should have done that from her dorm.
Yeah, I’m here with Manny.
Did something happen at your place?
The usual. Mom drank too much box wine, and they started arguing. So much to be thankful for this year.
Sorry Los. I’m outside if you want to come hang with me at my place.
The curtains move on the front window. I guess he didn’t believe me.
We’re good. I’ve got to work in the morning. Why are you creeping outside?
I’m looking for Lauren. I’m guessing she isn’t home.
No. She texted earlier but I haven’t heard from her since.
Let me know if you do?
Thanks. If you need anything, call me.
There’s only one other place I can think of Lauren going and that’s the rec center. If Lauren needed to clear her head, I can’t think of a better place for her to do it than the rec center to dance it out.
Driving through the parking lot, it is even more desolate than campus. No cars. No lights. No Lauren. I check my phone to make sure I didn’t miss a text from her. I didn’t. Damn it. ¿Dónde estás, cariño?