“I know.” I was hoping I would magically get over this fear I have with public speaking, and it would be a non-issue. But I haven’t. I still lock up anytime I’m asked a direct question in interviews. My short one- or two-word answers apparently aren’t good enough anymore.
I understand Coach’s point. If all goes well, I’m going to be a key player on a major league team. I will have to talk to the press. I can’t stare blankly at the camera and expect them to leave me alone.
“You have time,” he says as we walk toward the parking lot.
“I thought I did. The Newhouse media team is putting together press packages on each player.”
“That’s new.” I nod. It is new. We only have ourselves to blame. Now that we’re the defending champs, the school wants to capitalize on that.
I scowl when a trio of girls try to approach us, making Koa laugh. “Did you want to talk to them?” I ask, knowing his answer.
“Nah. I’m focusing on classes and baseball.”
“Oh, is that what you’re doing?”
“Yes, asshole. That’s what I’m doing,” he says as if he’s trying to convince himself more than me. “You think I’m not?”
“I don’t think anything.” I lie. I have lots of thoughts about what’s going on between Sydney and Koa, but I’m keeping them to myself. Nash has been preaching that Syd is off limits since middle school. It doesn’t matter what Koa and Sydney want. They can’t happen.
I’m suddenly grateful I don’t have brothers putting the brakes on me and Lauren. Who am I kidding? Brothers or not, nothing could keep me away from her at this point.
I flip my keys in my hand and trigger the lock. I pop the trunk open and throw my gear in the back. “You heading home?” I ask, slamming the trunk closed.
Koa shakes his head. “The Round Table. I’ve got a study group for one of my government classes.” Koa stretches his arms over the roof of his car. “What about you? Are you going over to Lo’s?”
He knows I am. Lauren and I have been hanging out every day for the last few weeks. When she’s not working at Ray’s, or I’m not at practice, we’ve been together. I tag along with her to rehearsals, and she’s been coming with me to my parent’s house every week.
I think that’s been good for her. She seems to enjoy time with my mom in the kitchen. They turn the music up and dance around each other as if they’ve been doing it for years.
“Yeah. She’s cooking.” His eyes light up with that comment. All the guys love her food, and she loves cooking for them too. I’ve had them start kicking in funds to pay for all the meals they’re consuming. Feeding the guys isn’t in her budget. “I’m sure she will send me home with something.”
“Will I get it tonight or tomorrow?” I roll my eyes.
“Tomorrow.” He knows Lauren has been spending the night. I haven’t kept it a secret. As much as I would love to keep Lauren a prisoner in my room, we do hang out with the guys when they’re home.
Lauren’s even managed to get Wyatt hooked on some detective show where they show the police interviews. He’s obsessed with it now. They watch at least one episode together if he’s home.
“So, you’re staying there?” A flash of jealousy sparks in his eye.
“Don’t know. You can eat with us if you want. Lauren won’t mind.”
“Lauren won’t, but Sydney will. She wasn’t thrilled when I came over a few weeks ago.” That is true. She was quiet the whole night. That’s rare for her.
“Did something happen? She isn’t still mad about her bookshelf, is she?” Koa clears his throat.
“No,” he says, staring at his hand as he forms a fist and stretches his fingers back out.
“Well, the invite is open. I better go.” He nods. Then I slide in my car and drive towards Lauren’s dorm.
The dorm is busy with people coming and going. I’m reminded why we’ve been spending so much time at my place. We’ve only come over here a few times to eat before heading over to her dance practice.
I keep a quick pace and avoid eye contact with everyone I pass on the stairway and in the hall. Once I’m at her door, I knock a few times. I could use the key I confiscated from under her doormat, but I didn’t keep it for me to use whenever I want.
She never got it back since the first time I came over. After a long discussion about their safety, I let Syd and Lauren both know they can call me if they ever get locked out. I will gladly bring them their spare key.
I’m about to knock a second time when the lock clicks, and the door springs open, but no one is there. I duck my head inside to see Lauren running back to the kitchen in a panic.
“Need any help, brujita?“ I take my hat off and throw it on the couch along with my backpack. Then meet Lauren in the kitchen. She is stirring some kind of creamy sauce with one hand while flipping the chicken over with the other.