“I need to see what this looks like together. Can you show us the whole thing with music?”
“Yeah, show ’em, Lo. We need a break anyway,” Carlos says from his corner of the room.
“Fine. Get your water and go sit against the back wall.” Lauren grabs her phone again and hands it over to Michie. She goes to her bag and puts a little sock-like thing on her left foot. Then she gives herself what looks like a pep talk before she rips her shirt off. I would have choked on my saliva if my throat didn’t dry up.
Lauren is wearing a dark purple bra-like workout tank. It’s similar to the one she was wearing in the picture Sydney sent Koa. The same picture I cropped and saved on my phone. The same picture I look at every night before I go to bed.
Her skin is free of any ink. Lauren is my opposite, and I find that appealing. I like the way my inked skin looks next to hers.
“I’m going to do your part, Vivi. When it’s time for partner work, I’ll improvise. Just imagine lifts and intricate body movements. For example, Trix, when I lay on the floor, you will be doing a back flip over Vivi and landing on top of her.
“As I move around, imagine Trix following my movement in a softer hip-hop style. Vivi your character is unsure about your relationship. And Trix, you’re confident and strong.”
“Sometimes literally,” Rocky quips.
“I can manage it,” he says with a few bicep flexes.
Lauren moves into position in the middle of the room. “Trix, if you want to jump in and freestyle, you can. Maybe by the second chorus, once you get a feel for everything. Don’t be shy.” He nods, but appears nervous on the surface.
Lauren signals Michie, and the music starts up. It’s a slow song with a hard thumping bass. With every beat of the music, Lauren moves slowly and sensually. I don’t like to, but I can imagine a guy dancing beside her like she described.
I can see this guy holding her as she balances on one leg or catching her when she takes a giant leap.
The song is about not wanting to fall in love if the other person isn’t willing to try. The girl singing is asking her partner to stay. It is soft and melodic. I feel like the words are meant for me. Okay, fine, I’m hoping they are. It’s making my heart beat faster and my palms sweat as the lyrics slither under my skin.
Lauren is lost in the music. Her eyes glaze over as she floats across the floor. The tempo changes, and I’m on the edge of my seat. Lauren does a dozen turns, extending her right leg in and out. Then she does this crazy move where she spins, and her head drops to the floor while her right foot points to the sky. It’s incredible. She’s incredible.
Trix doesn’t join her on the floor. He doesn’t move a muscle. No one does except for me. I’m squirming in my seat, trying to keep my body in check. Every person in this room is hypnotized by her.
“No way in hell I will be able to do that,” Vivi says, breaking the silence. Lauren is breathing heavily and glistening with perspiration. She looks hot as hell in more ways than one.
“You can. We won’t stop working until you do,” Lauren says with unwavering faith in the girl. The seven of them talk for a bit about songs and what they need to work on. I stare at Lauren, wondering what she will surprise me with next.
“When are you going to tell Lauren, you’re dying to kiss her?” The squirt beside me asks. “I can put in a good word for you at Sunday dinner.”
“I don’t need you as a wingman, little dude, but thanks.” What’s with everyone trying to help me with Lauren? Is it that obvious I have no game? Manny does get my attention with this dinner thing. Is this why Lauren was cooking so much food? “What’s Sunday dinner again?”
“Carter and Lo feed all the families in the neighborhood at their place on Sundays.” Their place? I swallow a growl. Is she with this Carter guy or something? No. I doubt Manny would offer to put in a good word for me if they were a couple. But they are something, and I want to know what exactly.
“Maybe I should come and surprise her,” I suggest. Manny looks at me like I’m crazy. “What? Girls like surprises.”
“I guess some girls do. I don’t know if Lo does. She doesn’t really like people in her business.” I can’t deny that statement. Lauren is the walking definition of private.
It doesn’t stop me from wanting to extend myself an invite and see what this Sunday dinner is all about. I know the person to help me do it too.
Before we leave, Lauren takes time to talk to each of the kids. She encourages them. Tells them to stay focused. Lauren makes sure they understand they are valued and loved.
When I asked her if she does that every time, she nodded. When I asked her why she said, “Someone needs to.”
And who’s telling you, Lauren? Who is telling you you’re loved and cared for? Who is telling you how you’re going to change the world one day?
And why do I desperately want it to be me?
Carter is leaning against the counter in my kitchen. His eyes are lasers burning into my back.