“Ouch. Friend zoned. That has to hurt,” he says to me again in Spanish. Lauren furrows her brows. I hope his brother Carlos rags on him. It would be deserved. “I just told him it was nice to meet him. Any friend of Lauren is a friend of mine.“ The little twerp emphasizes the word friend.
"That’s not what you said, Manny. I’m not estúpida." Manny laughs. “Go eat. I can hear your tummy talking.”
“He’s something else,” I tell Lauren as she steps closer to me.
“He’s a great kid. Hides his hurt behind humor.” The love she feels for Manny radiates off her. And damn it, if I’m not jealous of the little guy. “Let me introduce you to everyone else.”
Lauren calls the group over. The music they have playing cuts off. A few of them head straight to the pan of lasagna. They pile their plates high like they haven’t eaten all day. Shit. They probably haven’t.
“Everyone, this is my friend Hart. We have a few classes together at Newhouse.” I really don’t like the way she downplays our friendship.
Is that really all she sees me as? After all this time we’ve been spending together, we are more than friends. I need to make myself clear that I want more.
That I’m willing to give her more.
“This is the guy you want us to be nice to?” The kid leaning against the table asks Lauren. “He looks like an asshole,” he adds.
“Trix,” she scolds.
“What?” He shrugs and stuffs a big bite of pasta in his mouth. “It’s just an observation.” I probably do look like an asshole right now. I’m uncomfortable being around so many strangers.
“I’m Carlos.” Manny’s brother. Carlos holds out his hand for me to shake. His grip is firm. He wants to show me he’s a man.
“That’s Cash.” Lauren points to the guy standing next to Trix. They look like they could be a lot of trouble together.
Lauren puts her arm around two of the girls. “This is Michie,” she nods toward a tiny girl with short black hair and bangs. The girl still has an inch on Lauren. “And this is Rocky,” she squeezes the girl’s shoulder. “Vivi is the one scowling at you from the corner.” I nod a hello to all of them.
“Hurry up and eat. We have work to do.” Lauren walks over to me. I like having her close. It’s even better when she comes to me, and I’m not constantly chasing after her. “Are you okay?” I nod. I’m good. Especially now that I can feel the warmth of her body. It’s a comfort I could get used to.
Lauren’s arms dangle by her hips, enticing me. Fuck it. I run my index finger down her forearm. It’s a rush. It feels better than hitting a ball out of the park or getting the last two outs of an inning in a double play.
“You can hang out over here. Hey Los, can you grab a chair from the room next door for me?” Carlos talks to his brother before doing as Lauren asks without complaint. It shows how much they respect her.
I settle in one of the two chairs Carlos placed against the wall and stretch my legs out in front of me. Manny takes the empty seat beside me. “Have you ever seen her dance before?” He asks again speaking in Spanish. Did Lauren tell them I would be more comfortable talking to them in Spanish? How did she know that?
“Once or twice."
“So, you know how good she is then.” I do.
Lauren messes with her phone. Music begins to play through a small Bluetooth speaker on a stool in the back corner opposite where everyone just finished eating.
“Michie and Carlos. I want the two of you to work on your duet. Focus on the transitions and getting Meech up in the air.” Michie and Carlos pair off and start interlocking their arms, and suddenly Michie is flipped upside down and over Carlos’s back. Holy shit!
“He’s not bad, but I’m better. One day I’m going to join their crew,” my new little friend says.
“You two need to start working on your solos,” Lauren tells Cash and Rocky. “Right now, just mess around with new moves and how to work them with the song you picked. You did pick a song, right?” They both nod. “Cool. I’ll check back in a bit. Next week we’ll continue working on your duet. Okay?”
“Sounds good Lo. I’m still not sure about that slide at the end. The timing is off. I don’t think it’s going to work.”
“Cash can’t pop up fast enough to transition into the lift,” Rocky adds.
“Show me real quick,” Lauren requests. Cash and Rocky get into position. Lauren counts them off then Cash takes off across the room sliding and rolling his body up into Rocky.
“You’re right.” Lauren chews on her thumb. Her eyes dart back and forth as if she is replaying the routine in her head. “Hart, can you come here? I need your help.”
I bring my hand to my chest. Shocked to be called into the mix. I’m not sure what I can do to help. I’m not a dancer.