“No one.”
We answer at the same time.
I glare at Syd. Way to throw me under the bus. I don’t know Wyatt, Hart, or Koa well, if at all. I see them around campus in passing or briefly when I’m hanging out with Sydney. I think I’ve even had a class or two with one of them. I’ve never spoken to them. If they were around, I’d keep to myself like I always do.
Regardless, none of them, Nash included, has earned the right to know more about my personal life. It isn’t their concern who my friends are. They wouldn’t have bothered asking if I wasn’t with Sydney.
“A friend? You know him?” Nash narrows his eyes to me. They are a light honey color which glow under the lights. I nod instead of speaking. Concerned I will say the wrong thing in front of a bunch of people I don’t know.
Two of the guys I’ve never seen before, but they seem friendly with Hart. The word friendly is a loose term. Hart and the stranger to his right both look like caged rottweilers. They are ready to fight off anyone who poses a threat to Sydney, including me.
Nash places a hand on my back, leading me closer to the group. As Nash escorts me, I notice a slight flare of Hart’s nostril and a tick in his jaw. He isn’t very happy with me. I didn’t realize all of Nash’s friends were so protective over my best friend.
I know Nash, Koa, and Hart all played baseball together in High School. Sydney has told me multiple stories about them hanging out and going to parties. Even though Nash is a year behind us, he’s always been close with these guys.
“Who is he?” My eyes jump around to all the guys waiting for my answer. Wyatt and the other stranger I don’t know look amused by the whole situation.
“Give her a break Nash. She doesn’t answer to you, and neither do I. We're adults. We can have conversations with strangers if we want to. In fact, I see a few guys I wouldn’t mind having a little chat with.”
Without moving his penetrating stare off me, Nash says, “It’s currently not the strangers that concern me. How do you know him, Lauren? He looks like he’s in a gang.” Sydney laughs, and I glare at her. Technically we aren’t a gang. We’re a crew.
“He lives in her neighborhood. End of discussion.” Sydney stomps off toward the bar and maneuvers herself between the two guys I’ve never seen around Newhouse, so she can order a drink.
Nash takes one last look at me, shakes his head, and turns away to talk to Koa. I stand awkwardly, rubbing my palms together and nibbling on my bottom lip until Sydney returns with two beers. She passes me one. I waste no time taking a sip. I move to my right so she can stand between Nash and me.
Maybe if there is some space between us, he won’t ask me any more questions about my neighbor Emilio. Regrettably, this puts me far too close to Hart. I’m practically standing on his feet. The slightest tap on my shoulder would send me barreling into his arms.
“Hart, Wyatt, Koa, y’all remember my roommate, Lauren,” Sydney introduces me. I give them a slight nod. “Lauren, these two here,” she points to the two guys I’ve never met, “are Enzo and Marco. We went to high school with them, but they ditched us for ASU.” I smile and nod.
“They’re single,” Sydney stage whispers the last bit intended for my ears only. Naturally the music decides to cut out and switch tracks at this time.
“Good to know,” I mumble into the longneck of my beer. I swear she does this stuff to me on purpose to push me out of my comfort zone.
I should let her know she has succeeded. I’m completely uncomfortable. I’m ready to dissolve into the crowd, wait for my name to be called, get my money, and go home.
The guys carry on private conversations, occasionally glancing or glaring in my direction, depending on who it is.
Wyatt leans over Enzo and Marco to say something to Hart that causes his scowl to deepen. I bet he has some major forehead wrinkles hiding under his backward cap.
“What do you think?” Sydney asks, slinking her arm through mine.
I give her a cursory once over. “I love your outfit. You look hot tonight,” I tell her with a cheery tone.
“Thank you, but I’m not fishing for compliments here, and you know it. What do you think of the guys? Anyone strike your fancy?”
“First off, no more British television for you. Strike my fancy,“ I mumble. “And No.” I lie. Every single one of these guys is good looking. I’m not blind. I’m also not interested.
Nash is like a brother. Marco and Enzo are strangers. Wyatt is a playboy. Koa obviously hates me if I had to guess by the look on his face. And Hart doesn’t speak to anyone ever. He just stands around with a perma-scowl on his face. I don’t know how to deal with that.
“How are you immune to all of this?” Her head bobs toward the boys.
“If you’re asking me that question, it means there is someone here that you aren’t immune to. Who’s the lucky guy?” I ask directly into her ear. Sydney swallows hard. Then picks an invisible piece of lint off her skirt.
“It’s cute you think I’m going to answer you,” she says in a hushed tone. I could harass her for more information. It’s clear she’s not ready to share. I’ve been around Sydney enough to know she will talk when she needs to.
Enzo steps in front of Syd and me, enclosing us in a circle with him and Hart. I’m caught off guard by his eyes for a moment. They’re a beautiful hazel green with a band of gold in the middle. They remind me of mine. I’ve always been told I have pretty eyes, but I think his are even prettier.