Page 36 of Easy Out

Wyatt can’t help himself. His brain is constantly firing on all cylinders. The only place I’ve ever seen him find focus is on the hill.

The texts aren’t from Wyatt. They’re from Lauren. I keep a calm demeanor as I click on the notification.


Yes! We have a lot of work to do.

I’m stressed.

So, I’m bringing dessert.

A photo of a plate of cupcakes accompanies Lauren’s third text. The icing lacks the finesse of a professional, but they look edible. Did she bake them? I hold back a grin.

“Well, is it her?”

“Yeah, it’s her. She’s just confirming our study session. Don’t get too excited,” I answer with my eyes on my phone.


Make sure you bring me two.

“I better go, or I’ll be late.” My mom huffs in frustration, and my dad laughs at her.

“That’s all I get? Really, mijo?”

"Dinner was delicious, Mamá." Ignoring her antics, I hug and kiss her goodbye. I swipe the container of enchiladas and rice off the counter on my way to my dad.

“Drive carefully,” he says. “Let us know when you are back on campus.”

Getting in my car, I think about Lauren and how I want to play it tonight. Sure, she’s been giving me the cold shoulder and keeping her distance, but she’s bringing me cupcakes.

Maybe she is as confused as I am by this pull between us. I feel this urgency to be friends with her, maybe more than friends. At the same time, we have a job to do together.

That is the priority.

Morelli lectured us this morning on different interview strategies, how to read people, and knowing when to sit back and wait for the interviewee to tell their story in their own time.

That’s my play with Lauren. The long game. I’ll make sure she is comfortable and get her to open up on her own. She’s slipped up with me before.

I think she’s already comfortable with me, which scares her into silence. The more time we spend together, the closer we become. Lauren doesn’t like people getting too close to her.

Well, brujita, there’s a first time for everything.



I didn’t go to bed until the sun was almost up this morning. I had to catch up on reading and finish a few assignments.

It doesn’t help that I was at the center until almost ten o’clock. The kids shouldn’t be out that late at night. I couldn’t make myself leave. They were so dedicated to practicing and getting better. For a fleeting moment, I saw hope in their eyes.

It only flickered for a second, but it was there. Carlos, Trix, Rocky, and the rest of their crew can’t afford to build a life on hopes and dreams. It’s too farfetched from their reality. Having hope is too impractical when you can’t even pay your bills on time.

They need someone to believe in them enough to overcompensate for the times they can’t. That’s me. I will do whatever I can for them. I tried to keep my distance when I first came to Alabama, but it felt selfish.

I had something they needed.

I had something to give.