“We’re the Kings of Royal Oaks,” Cash says as the food gets delivered. He rubs his hands together ready to dig into the giant cheeseburger and chicken fingers he ordered.
“What happens next?” Stephen asks. I finish chewing the French fry I’m eating.
“They should hear from the board in about six weeks. If they get the scholarships, they’ll move into the dorms in August.”
“And if we don’t?” Rocky speaks up.
“Then you find another way,” Hart says.
“Hart’s right,” my dad agrees. “There’s more than one way to get to where you need to be.”
“What if they don’t like us?”
“They don’t like us, Mich,” Trix says around a mouth full of food. “I don’t like them either.”
“They might act like they’re better than you, but they aren’t. You have the same rights to that school as they do.” I take a quick sip of my drink.
“Maybe they’ll surprise you.” Carlos scoffs. “Their problems may be different but trust me they still have problems like every other person in the world.”
“Oh sure, like do I drive the BMW or the Cadilac to school. Poor dears,” Vivi jokes.
“That may be true,” Hart says. “Just remember what you see on the surface isn’t always who they are inside. Give them a chance.” Hart grabs my hand under the table. “Or you might miss out on someone who will change your life.”
“This is why we go potty before we leave the house.” I hustle Xavier to the bathroom before he has an accident. It isn’t an easy feat being seven months pregnant.
For a three-year-old, he does a pretty good job with the bathroom all things considered. I have his older brothers to thank for that. He wants to be just like Dante and Francisco.
“I did but Cici gave me extra dwinks.”
“Grandma Sylvie has always been good with giving people extra drinks,” I grumble.
Dante started calling Sylvie that nickname when he was around Xavier’s age, and it stuck over the years.
We finally reach the bathroom and Xavier manages to make some of it into the toilet. Hart will have to keep working with him on that one.
My phone buzzes on our way back to our seats.
I don’t see you in your seat little mamá.
Do you have the jefecito with you?
If little boss doesn’t describe Xavier, I don’t know what does.
Yeah, he had to go potty.