I sigh, my mind drifting to my girl.
Sunday, I’ll have to find a way to distract Carter, which won’t be a walk in the park. I wonder if he’ll forgive me too in the end. Fuck, I fuckin’ hate this situation. All I want is Rose. That’s the only thing that matters to me. So I’ll keep on torturing as many fuckin’ Steelhawks guys from Seattle until Ares lowers his guard.
Carter steps in front of me, making me notice I’ve been looking at my hands for a long fuckin’ time.
“You’re white as fuck, Vox,” he says, his voice deadpan as usual.
“Yeah, I think I haven’t eaten since yesterday.” Cause it’s true. In the flow of things, I forgot to eat and hydrate and maybe that’s also why I can’t think straight right now.
“Take a break, I’ve got it,” he says, motionin’ his chin toward the blindfolded guy on the floor.
I nod and turn toward the door, expecting him to say something that would imply he’s surveilling me, but he doesn’t say anything.
Maybe he knows and he wants to help you.
Maybe he senses there's something fuckin' wrong here and I need my brother on my side more than ever.
I head to the bar in the middle of the warehouse. Surely I can find something to eat here. Anythin’ will do, I just need fuel. When the smell of mac and cheese hits my nostrils from the small back kitchen we have, my heart aches, remindin’ me of the dinner I cooked for her weeks ago.
When Bones, a former prospect and occasional cook, hands me a bowl of it on the bar, I stay stuck. Lookin’ down, I fight the urge of putting my fist in the closest wall next to me. A sigh pulls me out of my thoughts. Haven't even noticed Shadow on the stool on my left, a beer in his hand.
“Rough day?” he asks, his hand playin’ with the bottle.
I nod.
“Same, can't fuckin’ wait to be done with the takeover. Erin is givin’ me hell for comin’ home so late.” He shakes his head.
I wince at the mention of his girl. I glad he's happy and shit, but fuck, I miss my angel so damn much.
“You okay, Vox?” he asks, furrowin’ his brows.
I sigh, not having the energy to beat around the bush.
“When did you know Erin was it?” His eyes winden for a sec before softenin’.
“Aah, fuck,” he chuckles, “I knew it when she cursed at me durin’ our first fight.” He shakes his head with a large grin.
“What?” I ask, tiltin’ my head.
“I had never heard her curse before, and fuck, it was the most funny thing I had ever seen. I mean, I just saw that she had a fire in her I hadn’t seen before. I had finally found my match.” His eyes shone with a warmth spark.
“Just like that?”
“Yep, and it’s been like that even since.” He looks at me, narrowin’ his eyes. “Why? Does it have to do with Ares keepin’ you in the basement and the Mormon chick you called a while back ?” He’s not smilin’ this time, his gaze way more serious than I expected him to be.
“Yeah, somethin’ like that.” Swallowin’ hard, I don't want to ask for his help. I won't let anyone get hurt from my actions.
“You need help, brother? I’ve known you for years. You need me, I’m here.”
I don't need help. I need a fucking miracle .
I shake my head. At least if my life falls apart, I can say I’ve known what true friendship is.
“I appreciate it, brother, but… there’s nothing you can do.” I’m alone, like I was before Ares found me.
“Nah, there’s always something we can do.” He fake-punches my shoulder.
“Not when it goes against Ares’ orders, brother.”