He won’t change his mind. He thinks Rose is just another woman I’m gonna forget when the sun rises.
But she’s not like that.
She’s mine .
“Ares, it’s not like–”
“Shut the fuck up and listen. You got your fun, now I want your ass in Seattle on the 30th. You get there, or I’m gonna have a nice little chat with our friend Skarn. Shit, I should say the Shepherd, right?” he says with a wicked grin. “You forget about her, or I’ll tell him that you’ve been ruinin’ his pure little fiancée and I bet she’ll get a fuckin’ whippin’ from it.”
I clench my jaw, stepping forward ready to punch him in the face, but I stop the moment I remember who’s in front of me, my fist shakin’ in the air.
He whistles, and then smiles. “See, I knew we could figure out a way to make this work.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”Liquid rage pumps under my skin.
“Think I won’t? Try me, brother .” He punches my chest to make me step back. “It’s up to ya now. Make the right choice or he’ll hurt her.”
Can feel the fuckin’ floor disappear under my boots.
“The fuck ya know about him?” Anger boils in me at the thought of that fuckin’ psycho touchin’ my Rose.
“I know everythin’ that goes on in this club.”
“Fuck. You wouldn’t.” I shake my head.
“Watch me, Vox, I don’t want to hurt this girl, honestly, and I know you’ll do the right thing. You stop this nonsense and she’s safe.” He gives me a pat on the shoulder like a buddy giving me advice.
“Don’t do this.” I never thought I’d beg him one day, but for her, I don’t give a shit.
“You'll learn, Vox, mixin’ women and business ain’t good for the club.”
“Don't touch her, don't hurt her, just don't fuckin’-” I fist my hand to prevent it from punching him.
“You have my word, brother, stay focus on the club and nothin' will happen to her,” he says, softening his gaze.
How can this man, my mentor, be so wrong about this? How can he be so damn stubborn to not see how my situation is so fuckin’ different from what he went through?
“You're takin’ out your past on me. Just cause’ shit went wrong with Iris doesn't mean it'll be the same for–”
“Don't FUCKIN' say her name,” he roars at the mention of his ex who betrayed him. Made him fall for her only to discover in the end she was sent from another gang to destroy our club from within. He never got over the betrayal. I wonder how he’ll manage O’brian’s daughter after this.
“I’m done with this shit.” He steps towards the door, pinchin’ the bridge of his nose. Right before steppin’ out of the door frame, he tilts his head on the side.
“And Vox? I’m gonna make this easier for ya. You’ll stay in the basement with Carter until the take-over, no phone, no outside contact.”
What the fuck? How am I supposed to talk to Rose if I can’t get out of here?
I clench my fist, my knuckles turnin’ white from the anger boilin’ in me.
Rose is gonna freak out if I don’t give her any sign until the end of the month.
His frame turns towards me, lifting his palm.
What? Now?
“Give me a sec.”
“You got one minute.”