Page 76 of Whispers of Fire

Well, almost.

Cause there’s a shade of golden hair I would spot even from a mile away.

I see her, her tiny silhouette coming out of the building and walking straight to her father's car in front of the large steps. Her curves bounce under her long dress, her gorgeous face looking tired and almost angry.

What happened?

A rush of protectiveness runs over me, making me want to grab her and ride until a smile covers her face again. She opens the car door and right before leaning in, she looks at me. Her blue hypnotic gaze finds mine in the darkness, like magnets, hyper aware of me just like I am of her. Even from the distance, I manage to read her lips as she says my name before disappearing in the car.

My angel.

I wait a minute before following her, wanting to be near her even in this fucked up way. Arriving at my house, I grab my phone as soon as I step inside, burning to see her. But she texted me before I got the chance too.

“Keeping an eye on me?”

“Always.” Cause she’s mine and I protect what’s mine.

“Can you come now?” Don't even care that I look all needy and shit.

“I can't, my parents want me to rehearse the wedding ceremony.”

Fuck that .

“Wanna drive tonight?”

Never had a backpack before but I figure she's the only one I'll ever want to do it with.

“On your bike?”


“I've never done this.”

She's anxious, that's so fuckin’ adorable.

“I'll go slow, Angel, I promise.”


Lookin’ at the clock with a stupid grin on my face, I put the phone down on the kitchen counter. Just a few more hours and I'll be with my girl.

Chapter 14


As I enter Vox's place, I’m drained, like someone pulled the plug on me. My whole life's been a sham, built on lies. I cried so much when I got home, I don’t have anything left in me anymore. Luckily, my father didn’t say a thing and didn’t notice my puffy face when I got out of the Institute today. Being in his presence disgusts me, like I finally understood the depth of his madness, the lengths he’s ready to go for our leader. It makes me want to vomit all over again to know that I share the roof of a man like him. A man willing to marry his own daughter to a monster. But right now, I just want to shut it all out and a ride with Vox seems like the perfect escape, a brief respite from the chaos of my life.

So I slip away from my house after midnight and walk towards his bay window, like I’m going home after a long day.

“Hi, Angel,” he says, sitting on the couch, his elbows resting on his muscular thighs. His gaze turns a softer shade of blue the second it lands on me.

“Hi,” I say silently with a sad smile on my face. Walking towards me in the living room, he laces his fingers with mine.

“Tell me,” he says with his low tone that hits me in the gut every time.

I love that he can read me like a book. That I don’t always have to write or sign, and still, he manages to tell if somethin’s wrong.

Shaking my head, I shrug a shoulder.