Of what it feels like to belong.
I’ve never tried to seduce a chick from the club or anyone else. It's so fuckin' strange and effortless at the same time. We start to move, balancin’ ourselves with the music in the background.
Haven’t listened to this song for thirteen years.
Never felt right back then.
But here, today, with her.
It just makes sense.
I hold her tight, feeling her heartbeat against mine. We swing like that for a couple minutes. As the song comes to an end, I press a rough kiss to her forehead. With a shy grin, she looks up at me, her eyes sparking with vulnerability and somethin’ warmer.
Raisin’ her index to my chest, she taps it twice gently, watching me like I'm her whole fuckin' world.
Don't know what she said but I get that it's important for her.
“Want ya’ to stay the night,” I whisper, kissin’ her temple.
A sad smile appears on her face, her hand fisting my shirt, telling me silently that she wants it too but she can't. Gotta give her time to process what I told her earlier this week. I can almost see her mind churning, putting the pieces together.
She sighs, detangling herself from my body and stepping back. She's fidgeting, that’s fuckin' adorable, like she's suddenly shy after spending hours in my arms.
“Come back tomorrow,” I say, feeling suddenly empty without her skin on mine. “Or I'll break into your house and drag ya down myself,” I say with a soft grin on my face.
She's my girl now, won't let anythin’ between us. Just need to think of how I'm gonna get rid of Skarn and her parents. Won't be a walk in the park for her but I'll do what must be done to protect her.
I walk her out, listening to her breathing as if it could indicate somethin’ to me. Damn I better learn to sign fuckin' fast cause I want to know everythin’ about her. As she leaves, givin’ me one last look, making my knees weaken, I take out my phone as soon as she's out of sight. I watch her entering her room on my screen and preparing herself to get to bed.
Once she's tucked under her covers, which I damn wished I did myself, I open my laptop on the kitchen counter and search for the sign she did after our dance. The one I didn't get.
Clicking on a video, my jaw drops to the floor, and my heart tightens at the same time, so fuckin' much it hurt.
That's what she said as she was signing on my chest.
Thirteen years ago,
"See, told ya, your old man still got a few moves!" my dad says with a smug grin, makin’ my mom dance to Sinatra's "Fly Me to the Moon."
"Garett," my mom laughs, swattin’ playfully at his shoulder. "Oh god," she exclaims, gigglin’ as my dad twirls her around our tiny living room. The evenin’ sun's light spills through the curtains, makin’ everything look golden. Kinda like in the movies. They move like they've done this a million times, totally in sync.
Our livin’ room is small but super clean, thanks to my mom. The furniture is all second-hand—nothing matches, but it all kinda works together. The couch has seen better days, but it's comfy. The coffee table has scratches and dings, but it’s alright. Shelves filled with old books from my dad and family photos make the room cozy.
"Isn't this the song we danced to at our wedding?" my mom asks, her eyes sparkling.
"You bet it is," my dad replies, grinnin’ even wider. "And you still got the moves, Maria."
I gotta say, they're disgustingly in love even after twenty years of marriage, but I know my brother and I are damn lucky to have them. Their laughter mixes with the nice song. It just tastes like somethin’ money can’t buy.
"Vox! Vox! Look, Daddy's making Mommy turn!" my little brother, Jamie, tugs at my sleeve, his eyes wide with excitement.
I smile at him, shakin’ my head because fifteen-year-old me is too proud to talk about feelings and stuff. But deep down, I know how special our family is. Seen enough around here to know how valuable what we have is.
"Watch out, kids, that's how I seal the deal!" my dad says, all proud, before holdin’ my mom and dippin’ her dramatically. They freeze like that for a moment, smilin’, their eyes locked, and then he kisses her. Like dancers at the end of a performance.