“I'll do it,” I say, swallowing hard.
“Good, see? No need to make that shitty face, brother. You kill the dude and it's settled,” he says, walking toward me, crushing the space between us letting a hand rest heavy on my shoulder.
“But that's the only warning you'll ever get. There won't be a next time.”
I nod, cause I fuckin' know this already. Betrayal in our world usually ends with a gunshot. I’d be lucky if I get out of here alive. If Ares hadn't been up for a deal, I would’ve died with honor, knowin’ I had rescued my woman.
“C’mon, time to make amends,” he says, walking to the door while I follow him, fuckin’ prayin’ my angel won’t turn her back on me today.
It feels like I haven’t slept for days, and thankfully, the pain in my body has gone. My vision is back and my heartbeat is feeling normal again. The doctor is still here. He's put a bandage on my hand, took my blood pressure, and is now looking at my throat.
“Alright, pretty bad but… seen worst,” he mumbles. “Does it hurt a lot?”
I nod because, yes, despite feeling better, it still hurts a lot.
“I’m going to give you a shot of morphine, it should last long enough until you get to the hospital.” His voice is serious and calm. This old white hair man must have seen a lot to not look surprised by my situation.
“I can’t do more for you, young lady, the hospital will make you do more exams, but your throat won’t heal. It’s too damaged.” I knew it already, but it always hurts to hear it again. “You need a lot of rest and sleep. I’ll brief the vice-prez, hum, Vox, on your situation,” he says with hesitation gazing at the door before turning his back and leaving the room.
What was that?
My eyes wander around the room I’ve been brought into since Vox left me here. I didn’t need more than ten seconds to figure it was his office. His scent, wood bookshelves, a tidy desk and a leather jacket hung on his partly open door.
Tidy, clean, organized.
Just like his home.
Another man has been guarding the door since I arrived. He takes peeks at me every now and then, furrowing his brows each time like he’s constantly assessing me. He looks older than Vox with his blond hair, short stubble and tattooed knuckles.
Wait a minute. I’ve seen this man before.
He was in Vox’s garden the first time I saw him, with the beautiful brunette by his side. He must be a friend of his, one that he trusts enough to ask him to watch me while I wait for his return.
I have no clue what happened before Vox saved me from the holy bath, but it doesn’t feel right. When he told me that he loved me back, I swear my heart stopped beating at that instant. During the drive, I saw a side of him opening, one he kept from me before. Distress and panic painted his handsome face, his pupils wide like he was reliving a moment of his past as he was watching me trying to breathe.
Was it the car crash of his family?
It breaks my heart when I think of everything he went through at such a young age. I can’t imagine what it’s like to have a loving family and then losing them in a blink of an eye.
Someone knocks twice on the door, making me freeze. Somethin’s wrong, and I know it’s the reason why he was kept away from me all those days and why the atmosphere seems so tense here.
“Hey, hum… we gotta go,” the blond man says.
I shake my head.
I’m not going anywhere without Vox.
“He’ll be there, I promise,” he says, locking his eyes in mine. “I was there, when he got ya. I was there to help,” he adds, pushing the door open. “I’m Shadow.”
Just like the name on the brunette’s leather jacket.
If Vox trusted him to come with him and look out for me here, then I trust him too. I manage to sit, then to stand, but I stumble immediately.
“Wow, easy, gonna help you. You can take my arm if it’s okay with ya. If I carry you, Vox’s gonna lose his shit.”
I try to give him a small smile and take his right arm, putting most of my weight on him as we walk toward a large hall. I think I'm still in shock, but I know I'll be okay in a few hours.