Page 14 of The Goalie

I smile shyly.

“Although, I don’t think your father would approve of us talking,” he says in a rich deep voice that has me inching closer.

“Oh, gosh. Did he say something?”

He grins. The sight is so sexy I have to stop myself from fanning my face. “He threatened to throw me off the boat if I spoke to you.”

I roll my eyes and laugh, even though inside I want to kill my father.

“Did he really?”

“Maybe not those exact words, but…” He grins again. My god…

“Should I leave then?”

He slowly shakes his head as he looks at me with a sparkle in his brown eyes. “I’m a pretty good swimmer.”

“I’ll throw you a life preserver if he tosses you over.”

He laughs. I do too.

“Don’t worry about him,” I say with a flick of my hair. “He’s all bark and no bite.”

He smiles and it takes my breath away. He’s so incredibly hot.

“I saw your game last night,” I tell him, trying to change the subject away from my dad. I can still remember the excitement I was feeling after that incredible performance. I had my Nolan Barlowe jersey on and was literally jumping on my couch cheering.

“You were there?”

“I watched it at my place,” I say. I wish I had been there. I would have been screaming the loudest in the whole arena.

I’ve never had an encounter like this before. Never. Our eyes are locked on one another. I can feel the electricity crackling in the air around us. Our bodies feel like they’re operating on the same wavelength. They’re already so in tune. I bet our hearts are both beating at the same quick speed.

He leans in a little closer and I have to hold myself back from leaning in too. “I’ll have to put on a good show next time, knowing you’re watching.”

“It was a pretty good show last night,” I tell him, remembering those incredible saves. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a goalie do that before. I was on the edge of my seat.”

“Just another day at the office,” he says with a grin like it’s no big deal. He has so much confidence and charm. It’s drawing me in like a moth to the flame.

“Oh, come on,” I say with a smile. “Don’t be so humble. That was something special. Admit it.”

His big broad shoulders drop a little. “It’s moments like that I was dreaming about as a kid. But knowing someone like you is watching makes it even better.”

I give him a flirty smile. “Someone like me?”

He leans in to whisper something, but then he spots something in the distance and freezes up. I turn, already knowing exactly what I’m going to see.


My father is on the other side of the pool glaring at him.

Ugh. This man!

I step into his line of sight and glare back. He just continues staring at Nolan like he’s seeing right through my head.

“All bark and no bite, huh?” Nolan says with a gulp. “He looks like he wants to put my head on a spike and place it beside the bar as a warning to all of the other guys not to look at his little girl.”

“He’s a little protective of me,” I admit with a shrug.