I won’t let it be like that.
“Where was she going?” I ask in a desperate tone.
“She said she was going to hole up in the mountains and hang out for a while.”
“Where? What mountains?”
Earl backs away and shrugs. “She didn’t say.”
“She didn’t say,” I growl as I head for the door and yank it open. “Fuck!”
My stomach drops as I step outside and look at the enormous mountain range all around me. She could be anywhere. I might never find her.
Maybe I can catch up to her on the road. That bus can’t be that hard to find.
“Thanks, Earl!” I shout as I race to my truck. “Sorry about the grabbing!”
“No worries,” he says as I start the engine and back up before I even have the door closed. “Good luck!”
He waves as I floor it down the road, desperately trying to catch up to her. I get to the interstate and look both ways. I don’t see any giant blue buses.
I don’t see anything. The highway is empty.
“Fuck it,” I grunt as I turn left and floor it. Every second spent debating which direction is a second she gets further from me.
I drive for an hour, but I don’t see her.
All the while, my grizzly gets more and more impatient. He’s growling and snarling in my ear. He keeps charging to the surface, raging at me to be released.
“Fuck off,” I snarl back at him.
He rushes forward, furious at being held back. This time, he almost breaks through. My truck swerves onto the shoulder as long black claws pierce my fingertips.
My chest swells up. My gums sear with heat as his canines rip through. Brown fur flashes on my forearms.
I squeeze my eyes shut and slam on the brakes as I force him back down. My truck skids to a stop, kicking up a cloud of dust.
The guy driving behind me lays on the horn as he flies by.
I turn the engine off and try to focus on my breathing, desperate to calm him down.
It just enrages him further. He charges forward again with the force of a thousand bulls.
I won’t be able to stop him. I can tell…
Never has he been this strong or this enraged, but he’s never caught the scent of our mate either.
I push open the door and stumble out onto the dirt.
“Let me… handle… this…” I hiss through gritted teeth as I feel him about to try again.
My grizzly speaks no words, but I can feel his intentions. He gave me an hour to try, but I didn’t find her. If anything, I got us further away from our girl.
He’s done doing it my way.