I’m flustered from still not being used to driving around on these small roads. I hit the gas again and the bus jerks back. Shit, I forgot to put it in drive!


The prick behind me lays on the horn, flustering me even more.

“Okay!” I shout as I push it into drive.

The honking continues.

This guy is stressing me out!

My chest tightens and I get a prickling along the back of my neck.

“Okay, bro! I hear you!”

My bus rocks to the side as my tire goes off the curb. He honks again.

“Oh, fuck this guy!”

I shove my hand out the window and give him the finger.

I’m not totally zen yet.

I must have a little bit of lawyer still in me. A little piece of New York City still floating around.

A little bit is not so bad.

It comes in handy when I need it for pricks like him.


. . .


Is this lady seriously giving me the finger?

She almost hit me and now her hand is out the window with her middle finger in the air. Unbelievable.

I lay on the horn as I back my truck up before she slams into it with her giant blue bus. Is she even looking where she’s going?

I shake my head as I back away, giving her lots of room.

I love my small mountain town of Caldwell, Montana, but I can do without these types. This lady converted a bus into a house and is now driving it around my small roads, expecting me to move out of her way.

That thing has a freaking chimney sticking out of the roof.

She puts it into forward and starts driving away. When she finally stops giving me the finger, I take my hand off the horn and park.

My heart is pounding as I get out of my truck and slam the door. I give the bus one last dirty look as it disappears around the corner. The wind is to my back, so at least I can’t smell the hippy scent wafting off it.

“What’s with you, Mikey?” Earl, the owner of the general store asks. “There’s moose in Adrinbrook that can hear you making all that racket.”

“That lady almost hit me with her bus!”

“Oh, she didn’t mean it,” Earl says as he looks down the road. “She was really nice. Bought half of my food.”

“Yeah, I bet. Where’s she from?”