I grin as Michael walks into the shop behind me. “I walked with this guy.”

Earl smiles knowingly as he looks at Michael. “So, she was your mate, Mikey.”

“Mikey?” I repeat with a grin.

Michael laughs as he puts his arm around me. “Only Earl gets to call me that,” he warns.

“I told you she was nice,” Earl says with a grin. “Didn’t I?”

“You were right,” Michael says, smiling warmly at me. “She’s the best.”

I grab all of the chocolate bars in the store. Cold drinks, a chicken sandwich, chips, and a bunch of that beef jerky. I dump one into my mate’s hand.

“You owe me a beef jerky,” I say with a laugh.

“My bear owes you a beef jerky,” he corrects.

“Does he have any money?”

Michael shakes his head. “Nah. I’ll get it for you.”

He insists on paying for everything, but he doesn’t have a wallet, so I cover it as he tells me a thousand times that he’ll pay me back.

Michael borrows Earl’s phone and he calls Oliver to come pick us up.

As I’m sitting on the curb eating my sandwich and chips with my new man in front of the Montana mountains, I realize that everything is about to change.

I’m about to meet my new family. I’m about to see my new home.

And for once in my life, it all feels just right.

With this amazing man by my side, how could it not?


. . .


Seven Months Later…

“Okay, I get it now,” my sister Carly says as we sit on the porch watching Michael and his brothers chopping wood.

I turn to her and laugh. “Right?!”

All three of them have their shirts off and are chopping apart the dead tree that had to come down before it tipped over and landed on Oliver’s roof.

They make quite the scene with their jacked arms and massive chests heaving up and down while they work.

Jemma sips on her icy cocktail and groans. “And you’re sure they don’t have one more brother for me, right?”

“Unfortunately, it’s just the three of them.”

She sighs. “Story of my life.”

I grin as I watch Michael bring the axe down with a grunt. He slices it through the thick trunk easily.

“But for real, sis,” Carly says, looking at me with a smile. “I’m really happy for you. I get it now. You look so at peace. I finally understand why you left.”