He shrugs those big shoulders and I shift in my seat. “I didn’t expect my mate to be a city girl.”
I lean forward and give him a flirty look. “What did you expect?”
He runs a hand through his brown hair and thinks about it before he talks. “I don’t really know. But to be honest it doesn’t matter. I can already tell you’re more amazing than anything I could have dreamed up.”
I twirl my hair as I try to fight back the smile blooming across my face.
“I’m not a city girl,” I tell him with a grin. “As you can see, no cities around. It was just a phase.”
“A phase?”
“A phase where I did what everyone expected of me,” I say with a sigh, “and ignored my true self.”
“And what is your true self, Jemma?” His beautiful brown eyes narrow on me. He’s so hot.
“I guess I’m still trying to figure that out.”
I thought I was close, but then this man showed up and opened up a huge can of worms. He’s got me thinking… Maybe I am his mate.
My body seems to be on board with the idea. If I lean any closer to him, my chair is going to tip over.
“I think you’re in the right place to find out,” he says with a warm smile.
I force my eyes off him as warm tingles erupt all over my body.
I think so too.
“More pasta?” I ask as I grab the pot.
He grins as he looks at me. “Definitely.”
By the time the first star comes out in the sky, I’m full-on smitten with this man. The fire is roaring, lighting Michael up in sexy shades of golden orange. Dark shadows sway across his gorgeous face.
I thought I was fine being alone up here, but now I don’t want him to leave. I don’t think I could handle sleeping in my bed all by myself tonight. I’d be awake the whole night thinking of him.
Dark clouds start rolling in, covering the stars.
“I wish I had some clothes that would fit you,” I lie. “I’m sorry you’re stuck in nothing but a towel. You must be cold.”
He grins and I feel my heart rate pick up a few notches.
“I don’t really get cold,” he says. “I don’t mind that I’m half naked if you don’t.”
I don’t. I really really don’t.
A few drops of rain begin falling. It’s not much at first, but then the sky opens up and it starts pouring.
I scream as I jump up and run to my bus. Michael follows me.
My heart is pounding as I open the door and step inside.
I turn around, not knowing what to expect. What happens now?
Michael stops outside the door, looking up at me with those sexy brown eyes. The rain is beating down on him, pounding his round shoulders and wetting his hair. He doesn’t seem to notice. All of his attention is focused on me.
“I can leave tonight,” he says in a raspy tone. “But I need to see you again.”
“Where are you going to go?” I ask. “It’s pouring out!”