“Please don’t shoot,” he says. “My name is Michael Brooks. I live on one of the ranches outside of town.”

“You’re going to live six feet underground if you don’t get the fuck out of here now!”

I see him sigh and my heart goes out to him. A part of me wants to open the door and invite him in.

What are you crazy, Jemma?! Did you learn nothing living in New York City?

I lived there long enough. I’ve seen way too many freaks for one lifetime.

But even after all that time and experience with weirdos, my mind is still urging me to invite him in.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me.

“I saw you in town,” he says. “A few weeks ago.”

“And you stalked me up here?” I shout. “That’s so creepy!”

He sighs and shakes his head, cursing himself out under his breath.

“I guess when you put it like that,” he says, “it does sound kind of creepy.”

I didn’t see him in town. I definitely would have remembered seeing that man.

“Hold on,” I say when it dawns on me. “Are you the prick who honked his horn at me?”

“The one you gave the finger to?” he says with a sigh. “Yeah, that’s me.”

“Here’s another one!” I shout as I slide open the screen and stick my hand out. “Now, beat it!”

“I will,” he says, “but can you come out here first so we can talk for a minute?”

“How about I run you over with my bus instead?”

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

The rock he’s holding is so big, but he’s holding it with ease. I keep thinking he’s going to get tired and drop it, but he doesn’t.

I narrow my eyes on him and focus with all my might.

Drop it! Drop it!

But he doesn’t.

“I just need you to come out here,” he says, “and gaze into my eyes.”


“You’ll see. Can you just please gaze into my eyes?”

“No, and that’s the weirdest, creepiest question I’ve ever been asked, so congratulations!”

“If you look into my eyes, you’ll understand.”

“That’s not much better!”

“I just…” He drops his head in frustration. “I have to…”

His words drop off, but he keeps talking, only this time, he seems to be cursing himself out under his breath. However he thought this was going to go, it hasn’t gone that way. At all.