Page 79 of Nevada

“Am I going undercover?” Halo sings. “Or is that Plan B?”

I snicker at her words, as does Riot. She’s pretty funny.

Before Star can tell her it’s not gonna happen, I say, “Not tonight, princess. But we’ll let you know if you’re needed as a decoy.”

She beams like I just reminded her it’s Christmas morning.

While I’d love to take Star down into the very back corner of the room and slide into her hot little pussy, I know that with the boys around, and Halo, that won’t be happening. Still, the fantasy of us doing it out in public and being seen has me leaking from my tip. I down the rest of my beer, my eyes sliding over Star’s shoulder as a man has his eyes fixated on my girl's ass.

Star follows my glare and turns back to me, tugging me by the lapels of my jacket. “Eyes on me, Pretty Boy. We’re outnumbered in this club if you start shit.”

“He has his eyes all over your ass,” I grit.

She leans up to my ear. “But it’s you I want in my ass.”

I groan, gripping the back of her neck, pulling her flush up against me so she can feel my erection. “Not gonna make it out of this club until I fuck you.”

She seems to find this amusing. “Keep it in your pants, big boy. We’re supposed to be looking inconspicuous.”

We cling to one another and I noticed the neediness in the way she grips onto me and I’m so fucking tempted to drag her to the nearest bathroom stall. The only thing that stops me is the unsanitary idea of banging her somewhere where other people have been. My lips press against hers. “Fine. But when we get back to the motel, you’re mine.”

Our tongues meet and she throws her arms around me as I reach down and fondle her ass with my free hand. That’s for anyone watching.

“Get a room,” Riot yells, but he’s more interested in keeping Halo glued to his side than with what we’re doing.

“We should go,” she says when we break apart. “The guy’s back tomorrow so it’ll give us more time to be prepared.”

The more prepared we are, the better, but we still have to find a way to talk to Jefferson about doing some business, and I haven’t quite figured that one out yet.

I look over her shoulder to Riot. “Need to do a lap, look around, then we’ll head for the exit.”

He gives me a nod.

I dump my empty bottle and link my fingers through hers as we make our way through the club. My eyes are everywhere and I can see there are more sections curtained off, and through the sheer fabric it looks like girls are giving lap dances. Like I said, this isn’t a strip club per say, but there is no doubt it’s the place to be in downtown Jackson. Here I was thinking Mississippi was full of hicks.

We pass by Brew and Haze coming down from the VIP area and I smirk to myself. So they got up there. I can’t wait to hear their findings.

There’s a stage and a set of doors off the left that read ‘staff only.’

I take a mental note of everything, including the exits and when we meet out front, Brew and Haze said they bribed the security to get upstairs and it’s one huge mezzanine area where Jefferson does most of his business. Tomorrow, that’s where we need to be.

“The security guy said he’s on tomorrow night,” Haze says. “Slipped him some extra cash and he told us to be there at eleven. There’s some meeting goin’ on with some dealers, when we said we were interested and Jefferson knows us, he said he’ll make it happen.”

“The fuck?” Riot balks. “How the fuck do you guys do it?”

Brew shrugs. “We don’t come to play.”

“Unless he’s full of shit,” I say. “Guess we know where we’re gonna be tomorrow night.”

“Know a couple of guys,” Haze adds. “Can name drop to get him to believe that we’re looking for a new dealer to supply to NOLA. Won’t be too unconvincin’ especially now that the Caruso's reign bein’ over is well known.”

It could work. Then again, these guys are dangerous, but so are we.

“I’d feel a lot better if Tag and fuckin’ Harlem were here,” I mutter. “Just an extra set of eyes and ears and muscle.”

“Cash will sort it out,” Riot agrees. “It’s only a three hour trip. If things go south then there’s only the five of us.”

“What are we, chopped liver?” Star cocks a brow. “I can fight, and I can shoot, and I can cut. You’re not just going in there tomorrow and leaving the little women at home. Not happening.”