Page 8 of Nevada

I want Cash’s number, you little shit


I’m not that little, Mama. You know that show Hung…


Men that brag about it are full of shit


You know who to dial when you’re sick of little dicks. I’m at your service


You’re disgusting

And I haven’t heard from her in days.

She told me that someone she cared about was caught up in a trafficking ring we busted up when we took out the mob. Things have settled down since then. Some girls were found, others weren’t, and one shipment never made port. The feds are dealing with that. But that won’t be good enough for Estelle. Of course, now I know hearing her real name pisses her off, I love calling her it.

I didn’t always pay attention in school, but I knew it would please my mom if I took an extra elective subject in high school, and that extra subject was Latin. I’ve always been obsessed with names, which is how I knew Estelle is the Latin name derived from Star.

“How about you tell me what you know and I won’t fuck up that pretty face of yours.”

I grin when I remember her words in the bar a few weeks back. My dick has never been so hard, and I’ve been jerking off to thoughts of her dirty mouth and switchblade ever since. I can’t get her out of my mind and I’ve been trying to figure out where she works so I can swing by and sweep her off her feet. Ironically, she was the one who swept me off my feet — unceremoniously.

She’s yelling at Cash. Tag, the club's Sergeant at Arms, and Harlem, the Enforcer, surround her. But she’s like a caged Rhonda Rousey — cool and calm under pressure— and it’s turning me the fuck on. She does not give a shit that three large and scary bikers are all circling her.

“This isn’t the time or place.” Cash’s face is one of pure annoyance.

“Maybe not for you!” Star hisses back. “But it is for me. This is personal.”

“This is a wedding.” Cash points again. “A private function. I’ve told you before…”

Wait, how did this happen? She doesn’t have his number. Then again, she’s a PI so she has means and ways of finding shit out. Her friend Halo told us one of her talents was obtaining information illegally. That’s my girl.

“Estelle?” I call out, my hands on my hips.

She looks smaller than her five-six, though that isn’t tall, she’s a goddamn spitfire. She also shows absolutely no fear.

Hearing my voice, she casts a glance my way. Her eyes widen as they travel the length of my body, disdain written all over her face. “You again?”

I smirk. Yep, me again.

“And stop calling me that! My name is Star!”

I look at Cash. “I’ll take care of this.”

“Don’t you even think about it!” She tries to shove me back. Her palms hit my chest, but I don’t budge. Since I know her modus operandi is to fight dirty, I’m prepared this time. If she thinks she’s gonna knock me on my ass again, she’s got another thing coming.

“Now, now,” I mutter so only she can hear me. “No need to go gettin’ all violent on me again, not with all these witnesses.”

“You know what happened last time,” she reminds me.

“What happened last time?” Harlem looks at me then Star, his beefy arms folding over his chest.

“Never mind,” I say at the same time Star says, “I kicked his ass.”